Weekly Update #46 – Community Talks This week in my weekly update I talk about the three new Azure preview features and also about the community talks I’ve been doing
Weekly Update #46 – Community Talks This week in my weekly update I talk about the three new Azure preview features and also about the community talks I’ve been doing
27+3 Talks by TSD : Directions 2023 After Party Aunque aun estamos digiriendo el pasado Directions EMEA 2023. Os esperamos el proximo miércoles a las 18.30 para contaros impresiones ,
We have a chat with Onyinye Madubuko as she talks about her first Scottish Summit experiance source
27+3 Talks by TSD : Inicio Todo tiene un inicio , y en esta primera sesión os contaremos que es lo que pretenden ser las charlas 27+3 de TechSphereDynamics. 30
An evening of lightning talks | Azure Thames Valley Join us for an evening of virtual Lightning Talks, with some excellent speakers from the Azure technical community. 18:30 – 18:40