The most annoying thing about searching for a new job is to wait for feedback, so responding to each applicant is very important and the system should help you do
The most annoying thing about searching for a new job is to wait for feedback, so responding to each applicant is very important and the system should help you do
The releasenotes for the October ’19 release is out! A lot is to come, both in general availability (GA) and in public preview (PP). Read the full releasenotes. For those
In the previous post I summarized the key features of why you should choose Talent. It’s time for the second post “Makes hiring the right people easier”. When Microsoft bought
In the previous post I summarized the key features of why you should choose Talent. Now we move on to the first and one of the biggest points. The echo-system
Since I’ve started working with Talent I’ve a lot of demo’s and I’ve been involved in several sale-cases involving Talent. With that work I’ve gotten to know what triggers the