The more I’m involved in sales, pre-sales, and training… the more I desire for a super robust presentation management / slide library. I have found some solutions, and I’m very
The more I’m involved in sales, pre-sales, and training… the more I desire for a super robust presentation management / slide library. I have found some solutions, and I’m very
PowerPoint is not something I have used very often, but I am now doing webinars on at least a monthly basis at work. I’ve inherited some PowerPoint slidedecks from other
Hereby the slides of my session ‘Adding value to Supplier Relationship Management with the Power Platform’ at the Super Power Saturday London on February 8th 2020. You can also download
As part of my job I regularly present at events, I don’t like to continue to use the same deck over and over again so you’ll often find me rebuilding
Often when you are presenting you need to skip forward or skip back to other slides, this can be cumbersome if you try to do it with your clicker, in