Bonnie, Rugged Scotland! A quick look at Ayrshire in Scotland which has some lovely rugged and bonnie places. Ayrshire is a region in Scotland. #SarahLean #Scotland #Shorts A quick look
Bonnie, Rugged Scotland! A quick look at Ayrshire in Scotland which has some lovely rugged and bonnie places. Ayrshire is a region in Scotland. #SarahLean #Scotland #Shorts A quick look
In this week’s video I’ve done something different and put together some of the photos and videos I’ve taken this year while exploring Scotland. I thought it would be nice
We’re having some really lovely weather in Scotland, so this week’s update comes from my sunny garden. Where I talk about the latest Azure news, focussing on monitoring in Azure
As I am on holiday this week, I’ve got something different for my weekly update, I want to talk to you about things in Glasgow you should try. Especially if