I wanted to post some notes and thank yous to everyone that made our first 365 Saturday DC a fun and memorable event! We kicked off the Hackathon on Friday with
I wanted to post some notes and thank yous to everyone that made our first 365 Saturday DC a fun and memorable event! We kicked off the Hackathon on Friday with
22nd-Sept-2018 – Auckland, New Zealand Today I delivered the session titled “Dynamics 365 Top 20 Tips & Tricks”. The PowerPoint presentation is available for download at the link below. https://app.box.com/s/0gvi11qd9t4pgk55daa0hmc2rum5gwu9
Home > Microsoft, Dynamics 365, Dynamics 365 Saturday > Dynamics 365 Saturday – Lands in New Zealand from Sept 22nd 2018 Dynamics 365 Saturday – Lands in New Zealand from Sept
Dynamics 365 Saturday es un evento global que se desarrolla con capítulos locales en las ciudades más importantes. Es un evento sin fines de lucro, organizado por y para la
I had the pleasure of running a workshop at the Sydney Dynamics 365 Saturday event on the 4th of May, 2018. It’s been over a month now since the event