Recently, I was working on creating a custom connector that has got one action which is a GET request and accepts parameters. The purpose was to use this custom connector
Recently, I was working on creating a custom connector that has got one action which is a GET request and accepts parameters. The purpose was to use this custom connector
In today’s blog, we are going to see how we can create HTTP requests using the power automate trigger. We can use this trigger to create a custom API that
Have you heard how to setup vendor collaboration ? And to be more specific make it work with requests for quotations, so the vendor is able to submit or decline a
You might know this about me already, I’ve written a few blogs about what was Microsoft Forms Pro, and then became Dynamics 365 Customer Voice in July 2020. I’ve also
Dynamics 365 Human Resources is a powerful solution that allows you to fully manage your leave and absence process. But when it arrives the time to onboard the employees in