If you are working with Power Pages Pro Code Development, you might need to access the current logged user Contact ID for various purposes, such as personalizing the content, saving
If you are working with Power Pages Pro Code Development, you might need to access the current logged user Contact ID for various purposes, such as personalizing the content, saving
The Power Automate Cloud Flows integration in Power Pages site offers a powerful way to automate actions beyond what’s available through the Power Pages WebAPI and also enables more integration
Associate emails to multiple records in Dynamics 365 We have been asking Microsoft for a while to allow sellers to associate emails to multiple records in Dynamics 365, and this
In my previous posts Creating and removing N:N relationship between Dataverse records using Javascript and Power Pages Web API I showed how we can leverage the Power Pages Web API
In my previous post Creating and removing N:N relationship between Dataverse records using Javascript and Power Pages Web API I showed how we can leverage the Power Pages Web API