Tested on:Project Operations solution version (UR 4), CE-only deployment Time entries play an important role in Dynamics 365 Project Operations. They are instrumental in the creation of business transactions
Tested on:Project Operations solution version (UR 4), CE-only deployment Time entries play an important role in Dynamics 365 Project Operations. They are instrumental in the creation of business transactions
Tested on:Project Operations solution version (UR 3), CE+F&O integrated deployment Transaction Categories and Expense Categories have an important role in the setup of Dynamics 365 Project Operations. They’re used
Tested on:Project Operations solution version (UR 3), CE-only deployment The General Availability of Dynamics 365 Project Operations has introduced a long-awaited feature of billing and chargeability options for project
Dynamics 365 Project Operations became generally available (GA) on October 1st, 2020. With GA, many have already asked if the public preview version (UR 2) of ProjOps can be
The Power of Customer Voice Volume 4: Create a Project source