“The space race between the USA and USSR was one of the great dramatic stories of the 20th century. Our very industry was born as Washington and Moscow relentlessly competed
“The space race between the USA and USSR was one of the great dramatic stories of the 20th century. Our very industry was born as Washington and Moscow relentlessly competed
Join us on our weekly catch up call, live from the US and New Zealand. We will be discussing a range of topics that may include: This week with special
In this video, I take you through the new Add product experience coming to Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement in April, currently in 2020 Wave 1 preview. This will allow you
Full show notes available here: https://www.nz365guy.com/152 source
Full show notes available here: https://www.nz365guy.com/152 Continue Reading Mark Smith nz365guy’s Article on their blog https://www.nz365guy.com/microsoft-product-insights-with-judd-salisbury/ Blog Syndicated with Mark Smith nz365guy’s Permission