Full show notes available here: https://www.nz365guy.com/156 Continue Reading Mark Smith nz365guy’s Article on their blog https://www.nz365guy.com/power-automate-with-audrie-gordon/ Blog Syndicated with Mark Smith nz365guy’s Permission
Full show notes available here: https://www.nz365guy.com/156 Continue Reading Mark Smith nz365guy’s Article on their blog https://www.nz365guy.com/power-automate-with-audrie-gordon/ Blog Syndicated with Mark Smith nz365guy’s Permission
In this video, I go through the expression endsWith in Power Automate. Power Automate is a powerful automation and integration tool with over 280+ data connectors. Blog: https://www.d365geek.co.uk Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365geek
In this video, I go through the expression startsWith in Power Automate. Power Automate is a powerful automation and integration tool with over 280+ data connectors. Blog: https://www.d365geek.co.uk Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365geek
Nesse vídeo vamos ver uma solução real que automatiza dois processos de uma clínica que são os pacientes e as consultas. Vamos criar essa solução utilizando: SharePoint Online PowerApps PowerBI
In this video, I go through the expression LastIndexOf in Power Automate. Power Automate is a powerful automation and integration tool with over 280+ data connectors. Blog: https://www.d365geek.co.uk Twitter: https://twitter.com/D365geek