Olá pessoal, tudo bem? ? Objetivo do vídeo Novo produto da Power Platform, chamado Power Pages, vai permitir criar páginas e sites com a experiência Low-Code. Assista esse vídeo e
Olá pessoal, tudo bem? ? Objetivo do vídeo Novo produto da Power Platform, chamado Power Pages, vai permitir criar páginas e sites com a experiência Low-Code. Assista esse vídeo e
Show 54 – Part 1: Search in Teams, Power Platform APIs and the new world of time management This week we are joined by Zoe Wilson,Director of Innovation and Customer
Show 52 – Part 2: Power Platform Adoption and Governance If you turn on Power Platform, everyone just uses it, right? Michael Roth joins us to point out why this
How inclusive are we with the Power Platform with Venkat Rao FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/361 • An introduction about Venkat Rao • A conversation about how Venkat got into this
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/361 An introduction about Venkat Rao A conversation about how Venkat got into this field Venkat talks about his journey and becoming what he is right now