#27. Jonas Wauters (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonaswauters/) from KPMG Belgium has a challenge pitching a Dynamics 365 project using Scrum to a prospective client. In particular, he’d like to know how to handle it
#27. Jonas Wauters (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonaswauters/) from KPMG Belgium has a challenge pitching a Dynamics 365 project using Scrum to a prospective client. In particular, he’d like to know how to handle it
#81. Gustaf Westerlund CIO and founder at CRM-Konsulterna asks, “How can we get customers to really understand that an agile approach is best for them?” Agile is built on trust.
https://customery.com/winning Conal Campbell is the Director of Sales at Dynamics 365 consultancy, ITK Consulting, in western Canada. He was a student in the private preview of my Winning Agile Projects
CRM Audio is a network of podcasts about Dynamics 365, Dynamics CRM, personal productivity, and Power BI hosted by Microsoft Business Solutions MVP’s Joel Lindstrom, George… Continue Reading Shawn Tabor’s