From Paraguay to Tarragona: Cristhian Fernandez’s Tech Journey through Software Development, Mic Join me in celebrating Cristhian Fernandez’s inspiring journey and his innovative approach to technology and business. His story
From Paraguay to Tarragona: Cristhian Fernandez’s Tech Journey through Software Development, Mic Join me in celebrating Cristhian Fernandez’s inspiring journey and his innovative approach to technology and business. His story
FULL SHOW NOTES Ever wondered about the transformative journey from a software developer to a Microsoft business applications whizz? Our guest, Microsoft MVP Cristhian Fernandez, founder of Creativity Spark,
Un nuevo capítulo de Meetup Power Platform Paraguay y tuve el gustazo de ser invitada y compartir un poquito de mi experiencia con Dynamics 365 Recursos Humanos. No se pierdan
Quiero invitarlos a formar parte de la próxima Meetup Power Platform Paraguay – Capítulo Setiembre. Voy a estar compartiendo mi charla de D365 HR Starter Pack en español y conversando