FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/303 A brief introduction about Christian Paul Abata Quinchuqui – the only MVP in Ecuador. Talks about Christian’s interest in Robotic Process Automation. A conversation about Christians
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/303 A brief introduction about Christian Paul Abata Quinchuqui – the only MVP in Ecuador. Talks about Christian’s interest in Robotic Process Automation. A conversation about Christians
Dot Net Tricks Microservices Certification Live Hands-on Training help you learn to implement Microservices Architecture using .Net core, Ocelot API and Azure AKS. Learn how to build Microservices architecture using.Net
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/301 • A conversation about life and career background of Emma D’Arcy • The benefits and the changes happened to Emma since becoming a Microsoft MVP.
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/301 A conversation about life and career background of Emma D’Arcy The benefits and the changes happened to Emma since becoming a Microsoft MVP. How it feels
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/299 • Ana Inés Urrutia de Souza talks about what she does during her free time. • How does COVID 19 impact Ana’s life? •