Show 41 – part 2: Front of Mind This week, we decided to just have a chat about what was making us think at the moment and what we thought
Show 41 – part 2: Front of Mind This week, we decided to just have a chat about what was making us think at the moment and what we thought
Is there a pattern to the way different workplace generations approach change? With each generation having their own unique experience of technology, can we harness these to reach them so
Is there a pattern to the way different workplace generations approach change? With each generation having their own unique experience of technology, can we harness these to reach them so
Show 28 – Part 1: News and Front of Mind The first in a new model for us as we start to release weekly. This means that it’s just news
What’s the big deal about the cloud? I admit it. I’ve never been gung-ho about cloud software. I know it probably sounds odd considering I make my… Continue Reading Peter