Dynamics 365 Marketing from 1 of the 2 leading gurus with Megan Walker FULL SHOW NOTES: https://podcast.nz365guy.com/385 • An introduction to Megan Walker’s life and hobbies • A conversation
Dynamics 365 Marketing from 1 of the 2 leading gurus with Megan Walker FULL SHOW NOTES: https://podcast.nz365guy.com/385 • An introduction to Megan Walker’s life and hobbies • A conversation
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://podcast.nz365guy.com/385 An introduction to Megan Walker's life and hobbies A conversation about Megan's Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing and community engagement Megan talks about her journey to where
90 Day Mentoring Challenge with Megan Walker Thank you for being part of the 90 Day Mentoring Challenge Megan Walker #90DayMC Get involved https://ako.nz365guy.com #PowerPlatform #PowerApps #PowerAutomate #PowerVirtualAgents #PowerBI #Dynamics365
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Join Amey Holden & Megan V. Walker as they go head to head in the ultimate battle – Dynamics 365 Marketing VS ClickDImensions. Watch as they endure the Clash of