“In this session we will step back from the technology a little and really focus on the how to approach creating a flow. This will be a very interactive session
“In this session we will step back from the technology a little and really focus on the how to approach creating a flow. This will be a very interactive session
Microsoft Teams is new to many people and how to work with it isn’t a skill you’re born with. In this session, you’ll learn the proven practices, behaviors, and etiquette
With Project oakdale now in public preview and PVA accessible in teams for free, now is the best time to learn how to build a bot. In this session, we
Full show notes available here https://www.nz365guy.com/262 source
Full show notes available here https://www.nz365guy.com/262 Continue Reading Mark Smith nz365guy’s Article on their blog https://www.nz365guy.com/the-top-10-new-features-available-on-wave-two-with-matt-collins-jones/ Blog Syndicated with Mark Smith nz365guy’s Permission