D365 Power Mantra Volume 7: All D365 Certifications and which roles and skills they develop source
D365 Power Mantra Volume 7: All D365 Certifications and which roles and skills they develop source
D365 Power Mantra 6: Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Teams integration by Deepesh Somani source
D365 Power mantra Volume 5: 2019 Wave 2 Updates For requesting to join our webinar, Please fill in the form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Ue3051-PQk6IPnKEbhO8wys2NyWY9UNNqcYAT7Jd_4VUNTc5V1A1SDBKVlFLSDlUUDE2SklGWlE4Vy4u source
This week D365 Power mantra comes a bit early. D365 Power Mantra 4: Importance of community and building the D365 Champs meetup Hong Kong in conversation with Lettie Sin, Business