I’ve been in IT for 14 + years and I am still passionate about it. I’ve really enjoyed the challenge of the IT industry and the opportunities this career path
I’ve been in IT for 14 + years and I am still passionate about it. I’ve really enjoyed the challenge of the IT industry and the opportunities this career path
This is a short video explaining what I love most about the Microsoft business applications community and what it means to me. It was recorded ahead of the Scottish Summit
The Team Hi everyone, meet Knut and Kjetil. Knut Kjetil Knut is a salesperson at Point Taken. He just came across a HUGE deal that he has registered in Dynamics
There are several To-Do type programs out there, and everyone seems to have their own preference to what is the best tool to use. I will argue why To-Do is
0 Your first question might be “what is docs.com?” and that’s fair. You may have heard of docs.microsoft.com, which is what it redirects to (or maybe you already