We are live from Microsoft Headquarters to remind you that CPPS 24 takes place tomorrow and Zero To Hero is going live next week. source
? Vem aí a live de aquecimento para o Global Power Platform Bootcamp! ? Junte-se a nós para uma prévia emocionante do que está por vir no evento mais aguardado
Canadian Power Platform Roster is now live! Check it out https://www.canadianpowerplatformsummit.com/speakers.html Follow us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/99020880/admin/notifications/all/ Follow us on Twitter/X: https://twitter.com/canadiansummit source
#150. What does it take to have a successful go live event for your Dynamics 365 or Power Platform application. Neil Benson sat down with Andrew Bibby, a seasoned expert