Released: 2nd July 2021 Join John Lunn aka Jonnychipz as he is joined by Founder and CEO Mr Jon Morehouse This episode of Jonnychipz In Conversation with’ will be
Released: 2nd July 2021 Join John Lunn aka Jonnychipz as he is joined by Founder and CEO Mr Jon Morehouse This episode of Jonnychipz In Conversation with’ will be
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Come and hang out with me as i share how video games can teach us all about how to think about user adoption in fun and engaging ways source
? In the latest video on Personal Brand, I got to chat with Amy Sewell and got a unique insight and perspective from someone teaching a course on the
The Scottish Summit 2020 Keynote from Strathclyde University TIC Mark Christie, Iain Connolly & Keynote speaker Jon Levesque The Power Platform is more than just a technology platform… It is