What is it we are going to build in the next 60 minutes. Resource Library: https://diyd365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/prashant/EgW9W2xYURFDpcZA6SERbuQBVILwjlauZONwhW02YzZMFg?e=rNvOJ3 source
What is it we are going to build in the next 60 minutes. Resource Library: https://diyd365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/prashant/EgW9W2xYURFDpcZA6SERbuQBVILwjlauZONwhW02YzZMFg?e=rNvOJ3 source
Before you start the course, have the prerequisites ready. Resource Library: https://diyd365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/prashant/EgW9W2xYURFDpcZA6SERbuQBVILwjlauZONwhW02YzZMFg?e=rNvOJ3 source
What will you get out of this course? Resource Library: https://diyd365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/prashant/EgW9W2xYURFDpcZA6SERbuQBVILwjlauZONwhW02YzZMFg?e=rNvOJ3 source
“Do you think possible to connect some device and sensors from the field to the cloud and automatically manage a dashboard to check and control the data measured in less