#86. Join me with Paul Heisterkamp, a Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations solution architect and developer at GWS in Germany. Paul shares with us his story of a multi-country Dynamics
#86. Join me with Paul Heisterkamp, a Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations solution architect and developer at GWS in Germany. Paul shares with us his story of a multi-country Dynamics
Paul Heisterkamp on The MVP Show FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/335 • Talks about Paul Heisterkamp life – family and hobbies • Find out how Paul’s journey into technology started
FULL SHOW NOTES https://podcast.nz365guy.com/335 Talks about Paul Heisterkamp life – family and hobbies Find out how Paul’s journey into technology started Paul talks about his educational and career background Talks