Zbizlink special guest, Bruce Farrell, Proposal and Presentation Specialist of Plante Moran, provides his insight for this topic. People understand that design has value and matters. But why? What are
Zbizlink special guest, Bruce Farrell, Proposal and Presentation Specialist of Plante Moran, provides his insight for this topic. People understand that design has value and matters. But why? What are
Hack 4 Good Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2020 India Winner #Hack4GoodMBAS source
Hack 4 Good Microsoft Business Applications Summit 2020 ANZ Winner #Hack4GoodMBAS source
Crazy Power Solutions present their Hack 4 Good MBAS solution – Canteen 4 Good As part of the #Hack4GoodMBAS hackathon, a crack team from CPS formed together to create Canteen
I was working on building and testing a Microsoft Flow a month ago. Thursday afternoon, May 2nd, to be exact. It was fairly complex and required a bit of tweaking,