When we run FetchXML queries on Power Pages Liquid code we get the results as a single table data structure. But sometimes it would be useful if we could group
When we run FetchXML queries on Power Pages Liquid code we get the results as a single table data structure. But sometimes it would be useful if we could group
Ever used the List rows action and wanted to get records based on a related table’s data? FetchXML and Advanced Find are your friends! Original Post https://aretiiles.com/2023/11/12/powerautomate-dataverse-and-fetchxml-advanced-filtering-made-easy/
This is a brief intro to the Layouts feature in the FetchXML Builder tool in XrmToolBox. Read more at https://jonasr.app/fxb-layout/ (soon released) source
List Rows in Dataverse is a great action. It supports multiple ways to query rows in the database but I tend to always use FetchXML as I am used to