With the recently experimental PDF feature that is available from Power Apps authoring versions 3.22094.* we are now able to export screens, galleries and containers to PDF and obtain the
With the recently experimental PDF feature that is available from Power Apps authoring versions 3.22094.* we are now able to export screens, galleries and containers to PDF and obtain the
How to export and import a canvas app? Resource Library: https://diyd365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/prashant/EgW9W2xYURFDpcZA6SERbuQBVILwjlauZONwhW02YzZMFg?e=rNvOJ3 source
How to export entity records from Portal source
In this video, I go through the Microsoft 365 Outlook Action – Export Email (V2). Power Automate is a powerful automation and integration tool with over 300+ data connectors. Blog:
I’ve often wanted to take a picture or graphic from a slide deck and use it externally somewhere else, and there is an easy way to do that. Tune in