I don’t know if anyone needs this. I’m not sure if even I need this yet, but I am starting to find it useful. We use test plans in Azure
I don’t know if anyone needs this. I’m not sure if even I need this yet, but I am starting to find it useful. We use test plans in Azure
Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 04/17/23. Last modified: 04/17/23 Need to Export a database for safe keeping? MSFT has had database movement APIs for some time but I haven’t seen
How to export and import a canvas app? Resource Library: https://diyd365-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/p/prashant/EgW9W2xYURFDpcZA6SERbuQBVILwjlauZONwhW02YzZMFg?e=rNvOJ3 source
How to export entity records from Portal source
Welcome to the fifteenth and penultimate post in my series focused on providing a set of revision notes for the MB-400: Microsoft Power Apps + Dynamics 365 Developer exam. Previously,