Introduction to Azure DevOps Repos Let’s take a look at Azure DevOps Repos and introduce you to the power and features. ?SUPPORT TECHIELASS ? Become a Supporter: #Azure #SarahLean
Migrate an Azure DevOps Repo to GitHub Let’s take a look at how to migrate an Azure DevOps repo to GitHub! ?SUPPORT TECHIELASS ? Become a Supporter: #DevOps #SarahLean
When Dev Meets Ops – Episode # 8 – Terraform DevOps CICD GitHub Act AKS What is next in Session 8 – 19-Aug-2022 Deploy S3 Bucket to AWS using Terraform
What are Azure DevOps Boards? Let’s take a look at what Azure DevOps Boards are! ?SUPPORT TECHIELASS ? Become a Supporter: #DevOps #SarahLean #Azure ? The music in my