Developing applications for new platforms, and struggling to manage your API estate? Finding you have to refactor, or in a scenario where your code isn’t clean? Want to decouple your
Developing applications for new platforms, and struggling to manage your API estate? Finding you have to refactor, or in a scenario where your code isn’t clean? Want to decouple your
Starting to think about the data layer of your application, and concerned about scalability of your solution? Or have some form of application that needs to have segragation of data,
Want to focus on scaling an application, or care about resilience? Have a multi-tenant app, but some of your customers have specific requirements for their scenario? Want to have an
When building solutions in the cloud, security is often a pillar that we hear come up in the requirements discussion. But how does that translate into the real world? Particularly
Planning to build a cloud application, but not so sure on the latest Identity Patterns? Not sure on your AAD compared with your AAD B2B or AAD B2C? Then check