Microsoft wants to make things simple, and for a good reason. If it’s simple then everyone can understand it and the bigger the group of believers the easier it is
Microsoft wants to make things simple, and for a good reason. If it’s simple then everyone can understand it and the bigger the group of believers the easier it is
If you ask a random Microsoft partner about their worries with Business Central there is a fair chance “Performance” is in their top three. It probably depends if this partner
A new version of Business Central is around the corner. The codename is BC16 or 2020 Wave I. Both are the same thing. I think it is safe to say
Yesterday at Microsoft I had two meetings, or goals. The first as you know was about our initiative to do a proof of concept to break the BaseApp into smaller
Social media is fantastic and it can be used in many different ways. Where most people are mostly consumers others use it to ask questions. Some share knowledge and experience