If you are using Realtime components in D365 Marketing, hopefully you’ve turned on the UTM tracking for your own emails and texts. Adding links to your different types of communication
If you are using Realtime components in D365 Marketing, hopefully you’ve turned on the UTM tracking for your own emails and texts. Adding links to your different types of communication
In a previous blog post, I walked through how to capture the referral url via a marketing form submission and pass it back through as an unmapped form field. This
? http://meganvwalker.com/recording-anonymous-feedback-while-capturing-variables-in-d365-customer-voice We can import contacts AND variables to Dynamics 365 Customer Voice so we can send out personalised surveys. This is great because it means we can still send
We can import contacts AND variables to Dynamics 365 Customer Voice so we can send out personalised surveys. This is great because it means we can still send out surveys
As you may know accessing the hidden entity listmember (Marketing List Members) is not possible via the SDK when writing a Dynamics 365 plugin. After digging around from site to