In this video, Chris recaps over the last week, including The GitHub & GPG Keys blog series, his webinar with SquaredUp on Application Observability in a distributed world and the
In this video, Chris recaps over the last week, including The GitHub & GPG Keys blog series, his webinar with SquaredUp on Application Observability in a distributed world and the
Step by step workshop showing how to configure Azure B2C and connect to a Power Apps Portal for authentication – with a detailed look at how we insert our custom
Session to demo setup and create azure function, register as custom connector and make it available in power platform source
This is a recording of the Glasgow Azure User Group that met, virtually, on the 25th February 2021. We had two session during the event, the first session was presented
Step by step workshop showing how to configure Azure B2C and connect to a Power Apps Portal for authentication – with a detailed look at how we insert our custom