I’m delighted to introduce a new book I had the pleasure of co-authoring. A book that is aiming to be a full reference for all standard Business Central APIs. It
I’m delighted to introduce a new book I had the pleasure of co-authoring. A book that is aiming to be a full reference for all standard Business Central APIs. It
Dependency Injection in ASP.NET Web API: Why You Should Use It and How to do it In this video, we’ll be discussing dependency injection in ASP.NET Web API. We’ll be
Recently I posted about using a generic flow to call the SharePoint Rest API from a canvas app and parse the results using the ParseJSON experimental function, in a way
Automation API , Caso de uso Community Edition En este post veremos como construir un escenario de uso donde recogemos una petición de asignación de licencia gracias a los posts
See where the portal web API can fit in with your existing custom template skills; liquid, fetch xml, the entities object… – Understand the benefits of the API and AJAX