FULL SHOW NOTES: https://podcast.nz365guy.com/367 A short introduction about Massoud Dehkordi’s life. Massoud talks about how he did cross paths with Microsoft as his career journey started Massoud elucidates the
FULL SHOW NOTES: https://podcast.nz365guy.com/367 A short introduction about Massoud Dehkordi’s life. Massoud talks about how he did cross paths with Microsoft as his career journey started Massoud elucidates the
The world is rapidly changing and with that, the way we interact and consume is also different today than it was yesterday. In the last 10 weeks I had the
Let’s continue where we left off last week when I shared with you two blog posts about my opinion regarding best practices for Per Tenant Extensions. I used you as
Tested on Project Operations on Dataverse version (July 2021 update), Project for the web solution version The last time I wrote about Schedule APIs, custom connectors were the
FULL SHOW NOTEShttps://podcast.nz365guy.com/294 Find out more about Frank Weigel’s life and family background. What Frank does when not working. A conversation about Frank’s educational and career background. Frank Weigel’s journey