Send an email when a contact submits a form in Customer Insights – Journeys

A customer of mine is moving from outbound to real-time marketing and is creating new forms in RTM. In outbound they have had a Power Automate Flow created to send them a notification every time a new form submission comes in the system, so we wanted to copy that over to RTM, it shouldn’t be much of an issue, just copy and change the table that triggers it, right, riiiiight….? Well, it was an…

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Send an email when a contact submits a form in Customer Insights – Journeys

This is a post showing how to create a Power Automate that triggers when a contact submits a form in Customer Insights – Journeys, and then sends an email to the owning user of that contact.

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Malin Martnes

Author: Malin Martnes

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