Revisiting Custom Connectors

Recently I encountered an issue with a custom connector configured with authentication type OAuth 2.0. It’s solved now and I realize that I have learned a lot since the last time I wrote about custom connectors. It’s time to take this subject, dust it off, and make a new series of posts, let’s revisit custom connectors!

Why create a Custom Connector?

Either you are just trying out…

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Revisiting Custom Connectors

Recently I encountered an issue with a custom connector configured with authentication type OAuth 2.0. It’s solved now and I realize that I have learned a lot since the last time I wrote about custom connectors. It’s time to take this subject, dust it off, and make a new series of posts, let’s revisit custom…

Blog Syndicated with carinamclaesson’s Permission

Author: Carina Claesson

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