Portal Records Mover Console updates (finally!)

It’s been a while since I released the Portal Records Mover Console application based on the invaluable Portal Records Mover XrmToolBox Tool by Tanguy Touzard. This console application is a port of the Tool code that would allow us to include this functionality to our DevOps pipelines.

Since the first post, Tanguy has released significant updates that address issues that he’d been…

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Portal Records Mover Console updates (finally!)

It’s been a while since I released the Portal Records Mover Console application based on the invaluable Portal Records Mover XrmToolBox Tool by Tanguy Touzard. This console application is a port of the Tool code that would allow us to include this functionality to our DevOps pipelines.

Blog Syndicated with Jim Novak’s Permission

Author: James Novak

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