Inline Instructions with Power Apps Portals – Part 1
I’ve worked on Power Apps Portals over the last few years and a common requirement involves adding inline instructions within Entity or Web Forms. Fortunately, Power Apps Portals offers some out of the box for tools for managing labels and extended content:
- Attribute label: The CDS Entity Attribute label is the default used by the Portal when rendering forms. We can update the Attribute…
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Inline Instructions with Power Apps Portals – Part 1
I’ve worked on Power Apps Portals over the last few years and a common requirement involves adding inline instructions within Entity or Web Forms. Fortunately, Power Apps Portals offers some out of the box for tools for managing labels and extended content: Attribute label: The CDS Entity Attribute label is the default used by the Portal when rendering forms. We can update the Attribute label or the CDS form reference and it will be rendered on the Portal.
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