Meeting Agendas – Essential or optional?

Last week I threw a question out on Twitter and I guess I hit a nerve!

Tweet: Would it be rude to automatically respond to a meeting invites without an agenda by declining with a message that says it will be reviewed once an agenda is in the body?  Or should I tentatively accept with the same message?

I have long been of the belief that if you want me to attend a meeting then you really need to let me know what you need from me so I can do you the courtesy of fully committing or letting you know that I may not able to meet your expectations.

To do this I generally ask for information that sets out the…

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Meeting Agendas – Essential or optional?

Last week I threw a question out on Twitter and I guess I hit a nerve! I have long been of the belief that if you want me to attend a meeting then you really need to let me know what you need from …

Blog Syndicated with Alan Eardley’s Permission

Author: Alan Eardley

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