FetchXML improve for us to achieve more

I got a challenge from my colleague at CRMK:

I need to set owners on accounts with a team with the same name as the account.
Mia @ CRMK

Is that even possible??
Yes, it actually is.

Simplest query

I start with a very simple query to get all Accounts:

  <entity name='account'>
    <attribute name='name' />
    <attribute name='ownerid' />


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FetchXML improve for us to achieve more ⋆ JonasR.app – the Trenches

I got a challenge from my colleague at CRMK: I need to set owners on accounts with a team with the same name as the account. Is that even possible?? Yes, it actually is.

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Jonas Rapp ᴹᴠᴾ ??

Author: Jonas Rapp ᴹᴠᴾ ??

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