Reflecting on NDAs that aim to keep former employees silent (case OpenAI), and the role of transparency in defining company culture. Continue reading Silence of the lambs at Jukka Niiranen
Reflecting on NDAs that aim to keep former employees silent (case OpenAI), and the role of transparency in defining company culture. Continue reading Silence of the lambs at Jukka Niiranen
The BypassBusinessLogicExecutionStepIds optional parameter or request header value allows us to bypass a specific plugin step by passing its GUID, irrespective of whether it is synchronous or asynchronous, unlike the
Using the new BypassBusinessLogicExecution parameter we can bypass both sync as well as asynchronous custom logic (i.e. sync / async custom plugin and custom workflow registered), unlike the BypassCustomPluginExecution parameter
I've shared my thoughts about Personal Power Platform Pipelines although I did see, that in less than a month, they went GA and added new features, so I may follow
Recently while trying to create a new 1-n relationship between 2 newly created custom tables, we got the below error. “There was error calculation dependencies for this component” System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1: The