Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 release Wave 2: Full keyboard shortcut support

Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central 2019 release Wave 2: Full keyboard shortcut support

Now Wave2 blogging is allowed, there are many topics that I want to share with you .. really, a lot. Time is not on my side – I’m in full preparation for Directions and NAVTechDays, so let’s see. Today, while working on my SaaS-deployment-pipeline in DevOps with ALOps, I DID find the time to say a few words on one of the topics I’m quite excited about: Shortcutkeys in the webclient, or in… Continue...

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Business Central Modern Client: Remove the designer button

Business Central Modern Client: Remove the designer button

You all know the designer, right? The tool for developers (aka the “in-client visual designer”) that “provides an easy and convenient way of making immediate adjustments to your design by simply dragging and dropping the components on the page”. Well .. then you probably know there are things to take into account…  Issues It actually all comes down to what I call “the worst button in NAV ever…...

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App Dependency Tree – import your apps in the right order (with PowerShell)

App Dependency Tree – import your apps in the right order (with PowerShell)

Recently, I got the question on how to get a dependency tree from a bunch of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central apps. In other words – how do I know in which order I have to import my apps to respect the dependencies. Well, I didn’t have a ready-made script available. I only had a script my colleague provided me – so I took that as a starting point, and spent an evening in trying to put… Continue Reading...

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AL BaseApp Customization: “because you can doesn’t mean you should”

AL BaseApp Customization: “because you can doesn’t mean you should”

Sometimes I get the remark that I’m not sceptical enough, but mostly too positive towards whatever Microsoft does … well – I have been very happy with the product, the progress, the evolution and the revolution. For all of you with that opinion about me – let me make you happy.  You might have figured from my previous post that there is one topic that doesn’t make me particularly happy:...

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Features we can expect in the “2019 Release Wave 2” for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

Features we can expect in the “2019 Release Wave 2” for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central

A week ago, Microsoft came with this message on twitter: Which basically pointed to an URL that was (for me) difficult to find on Microsoft Docs. I literally had to find the tweet again to find the list of expected features again .. so I figured: If I have a problem finding it, others might have problems as well. So, here it is: The (updated) list of features we can expect in the 2019 Release… Continue Reading waldo’s...

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AL Extension Pack for VSCode

AL Extension Pack for VSCode

I totally forgot to blog about this – so let me quickly catch up with this one.. :-). Some time ago, after explaining my most used VSCode Extensions for AL Development for (about) the 829th time – I decided to make my life a bit easier. I already came across the concept of creating a VSCode Extension that act like packages that automatically install other extensions.  An “Extension Pack”, if… Continue...

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CRS AL Language Extension – ControlNames are no longer surrounded by double quotes

CRS AL Language Extension – ControlNames are no longer surrounded by double quotes

There is a recent change that I had to introduce in the CRS AL Language Extension – you know, that tiny little VSCode Extension that quite a lot of you seem to be using ;-). +89000 downloads/+21500 installs – that’s crazy! It’s one of my biggest projects I ever did for the community :-). Stop bragging, get to the point… Well – because of the fact that so many people are using the extension, I…...

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DevOps for AL – ALOps is ALive!

Yes! I did it! I finally managed to created the blogpost that I have been wanting to put online for quite some time. I have been putting off a lot of other posts – just to be able to make this one happen asap! You might remember the post about Directions US 2019 – that I had some work to do. Well – let’s just say I’m trying to deliver on that promise – at… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Spring update changed “some” field lengths – waldo’s blog

For long, we (as a partner community) have been asking for longer field lengths. And this time, Microsoft seems to have delivered: about 860 field lengths were changed. Mostly from Text50 to Text100, but also from Text30 to Text50 and so on. For your convenience, I created a csv on my “CALAnalysis”-repo on github that lists all of them. With this change, there… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Directions US 2019 – I appear to have work to do … – waldo’s blog

I’m returning back from yet another great Directions US event in Las Vegas this time. At this point – I’m sitting in the lounge in New York – a great opportunity to do a short post about something I didn’t really expect, and now I’m quite obligated to do.. . I total, I did about 13 hours of sessions and workshops. That’s a lot. I never was busier –… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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“In the future, on-premises will follow the cloud rules”

My intentional plan was to share a small blog about the Fall release of Business Central. Well – it turned out I had more to say than I imagined beforehand ;-). I would like to focus on one point, where I’m not going to make myself really popular, as I notice quite a lot that people kind of disagree with me quite a lot :-). But that’s ok .. I don’t mind different opinions, as long I’m allowed…...

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – 2019 Spring Release is released!

You might remember my blog from yesterday … . I didn’t know when it would be released. Well, it wasn’t available yesterday, but today, I got the comment on my blog from Daniel Göhler that it was available – so I refreshed my container again, and indeed! I used this Docker image: (I assume you can use your own country-tag, or none for W1) But I… Continue Reading...

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – 2019 Spring Release – waldo’s blog

I’m not attending Directions ASIA this year – and it doesn’t really feel good. There is a major release around the corner, and I have to experience it through social media – I hate it! But that’s life – my wife is going live with a huge project, so I had some duties at home ;-). Luckily, the go live is going quite well, so it seems to have been worth it… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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CRS AL Language Extension – version 1.1.0 – waldo’s blog

My last blog about my VSCode extension dates from July 2018. I have been upgrading/maintaining it meanwhile, and I am definitely not going to blog about all new small features and fixes (yes, quite necessary as well ;-)) every single time, but for this one, I really felt that an update wouldn’t hurt. What is the “CRS AL Language Extension”? The extension I’m… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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getting to the al source code – waldo’s blog

You must have heard the latest news: Microosft released the first devpreview (on docker) where Business Central is an app, and there is close to no C/AL anymore. Either you might have gotten it from the blog from Microsoft, or Stefano’s blog, where he explained how to build an app for it. I wondered if there was still a way for us to browse the – in this case –… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Developing Business Central Extensions/Apps in Team – Follow Up – waldo’s blog

A while ago (in fact: in July last year), I posted a blog post about the challenges when “working in Team on apps“. Since then, I have been asked to work on a follow-up post on how we are tackling these challenges in our company today – and if all the assumptions I made also really work. Well, here it goes ;-). But please, I’m not going to explain the… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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C/AL Source Code Analysis with PowerShell – waldo’s blog

Last Directions US and EMEA, I had the opportunity to talk about – uhm – myself. Well, not really – about my tools. It was a weird experience – but it got more attention than I ever expected. Now, during that session, I showed a tool that I wanted to put out there for sooooo long: a way to analyze your C/AL Source Code with PowerShell. This was actually an… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Where to find the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (and NAV) Docker Images (updated) – waldo’s blog

Admitted – this is not a lot of new content since my last post – but there are updates since the last one. Also, I wanted to put all repos in a nice clear list. Since my last post, I was contacted by Chris Blank that there actually was another “insider”-repo (for OnPrem images), and he also found a way to get a list of tags of what’s available on them. The… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Where to find the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (and NAV) Docker Images – waldo’s blog

While I was writing my previous blogpost, I was wondering what the actual Docker repos are today. Basically: when we want to set up a certain Docker container, where can I find it? Well, easy. Just read this blogpost from Freddy, the Docker-God from Microsoft. But, while most info on it is still very valuable, you might also notice that some of the repos our outdated…. Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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List all Business Central Docker Image Tags on Microsoft Container Services – waldo’s blog

A while ago, I blogged about how you can get to all the tags on Docker Hub, for all images of Microsoft Dynamics NAV. This was more useful than I ever imagined, as many people referred to it, or I had to refer to it for others. In any case, for us “simple” NAV “dinosaurs”, these docker tags doesn’t always seem to be easy to “assemble”, so getting a list… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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3D print Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – waldo’s blog

Let’s start this year with something completely different. But before we dive in – I’d like to wish you all love, happiness, perfect health and all you want me to wish for you … for 2019! Let’s turn this year into a blast! Off Topic To start off the year – this is going to be a completely off-topic topic, as I’m not going to show you anything useful,… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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To Hybrid or Not To Hybrid – waldo’s blog

“Hybrid development” is not a general accepted term in our world of “Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central”. The term Microsoft uses for this concept is “Side-By-Side” development. But in a way, I find that “Hybrid” does more “right” to the term:: combining old technology with new technology (like C/SIDE and VSCode, or C/AL and AL, or internal… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central & NAV Event Publishers Repository – waldo’s blog

Since quite a while, I have been willing to blog this tiny little, but very useful thing that I have been using more that I would have thought before I created it. What is it? Well, nothing too fancy .. just a Github repo with more information about event publishers on a few of the current versions of NAV and Business Central I actually already blogged about how to… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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a look at the development of NAV from an MVP angle – waldo’s blog

In 3 days, it’s game-time again. THE best DEV conference for Business Central will take place in Antwerp: NAVTechDays – and I’m honoured to be a part of it again. But this year – it’s quite different, because I signed up for a challenge. This year, I’ll be joining Vjeko on stage for a very special session: Evolution of a titan: a look at the development… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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System Information in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – waldo’s blog

Small tip – huge advantage – and one I forgot about until AJ reminded me of it yesterday: the “system information” page in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Centeral. An – as far as I know – undocumented feature, but one worth mentioning! When on Business Central, Microsoft will be deciding when a tenant will be upgraded to a certain version – and you… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Application-wide system events (previously known as “Codeunit 1 events”) – waldo’s blog

You must have heard. Codeunit 1 is a goner! And if you have not heard it – you must have read about it. Because it has been on Microsoft Docks for a while, and also there was a blog that Microsoft spent on it. Well, before I managed to find these description, I was working on my own overview ;-). So let me share it – I do believe that I look at it from another… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central is released @ Directions NA – waldo’s blog

Your first reaction is probably – duh, I know! Well – I’m late, that’s true. At Directions North America, Microsoft announced the availability of the new version of Business Central – and I didn’t spend one single post on it. Until now. Reason is simple – I was quite busy at the conference, and I didn’t want to lose too much time on writing. I need to… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Directions US – San Diego – waldo’s blog

When I write this, I’m on the plane to Frankfurt. No, that’s not where Directions US will take place – I will get my connecting flight to San Diego from there. And San Diego IS the place to be for the next week! Why? Because we live in exciting times when it comes to Microsoft Dynamics NAV! Yes, I still call it NAV – because at this very point, it’s one of… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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AL Code Analysis Rules (Diagnostic Descriptors) – Updated Again – waldo’s blog

AA0001 There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as := + – AND OR =. There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as := + – AND OR =. The parameter comma operator however, should have no spaces. There must be exactly one space character on each side of ‘{0}’. Readability Warning TRUE AA0002 There must be no… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Business Central W1 Docker image with data – waldo’s blog

You probably know this. I just write this post because I didn’t up until today. I’m using Docker quite regularly (well, if you find “pulling an image twice a day” is regular) .. and I have been using mostly these two repositories according my needs (for more info, look here): “” for the very latest version (the future… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Export C/AL objects as AL from a database on a docker container on a remote host – waldo’s blog

That’s a mouthful, isn’t it :-)? As you might have figured in quite some sessions, threads and posts, I’m quite fond running docker images on a remote Hyper-V on my laptop. From the moment it was described by Arend Jan, I’m using it. In my opinion, it’s a much better way to run, because Windows Server is so much better in memory management as Windows 10 is… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Inconsistent language behaviour in the windows client – waldo’s blog

The strangest thing happened to us recently – one that really blew my mind. I’m going to spare you the long road of trial & error we went through to come up with the answer – or at least an explanation of what cause the behaviour. The behaviour Because “a picture tells more than a 1000 words” .. let me just show you. In the below images, you see the language… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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List all NAV Docker Image Tags on Docker Hub – waldo’s blog

Some time ago, I created this script because I wanted to know all the available tags on dockerhub for the “microsoft/dynamics-nav” repository on Docker. Why? I don’t know anymore :-). But it was clear that the “tags” section on DockerHub only showed us a very small part of the available tags. Yesterday, we were wondering why a specific version (one that we… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their blog List all NAV Docker...

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Developing Business Central Extensions/Apps in Team – waldo’s blog

I picked up a new challenge these days: for one of our (quite big) customers, we need to develop a solution, based on extensions. In short: ready for the future, easy to upgrade. When I would explain the case in a paragraph, you’d say “this is not NAV”, although when you would really look deep into it, it’s ideal for an Extension-scenario, obviously in… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their blog

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CRS AL Language Extension – File Management – waldo’s blog

Time for the next round of functionality I added in my VSCode Extension (the CRS AL Language Extension) – a functionality that manages your filenames (and pre/suffix). Hold your horses – this is going to be a long one ;-). You don’t want to know how many hours I spent on this functionality – many points of feedback from the community, and even some… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their blog

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AL Code Analysis Rules (Diagnostic Descriptors) – Updated – waldo’s blog

  You might remember my post about the Code Analyzers Diagnostic Descriptors when it first came out. I’m very happy with this tool, as it avoids many mistakes, and it enforces some level of clean coding – which is never a bad thing ;-). Recently, the June update of the AL Language Extension was announced. I was sitting at a swimming pool in Bangkok – so what do… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Are you “Ready To Go”? – waldo’s blog

Lately I have been involved in a program from Microsoft that I personally think is really useful. That useful that I’m spending my only spare time at a pool (and not in it) in Bangkok to tell you about it. The Ready To Go Program If you are a partner for Dynamics NAV, you must have heard about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central by now. Whether you like it or… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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CRS Al Language Extension – Running Objects – waldo’s blog

As said in one of my previous posts, I was going to do some “deeper” description of the functionality of the tool that I’m working on to make your “AL”-life in VSCODE a little bit easier: the “CRS AL Language Extension“. Today: the “Running Objects” functionality This was the first major feature that I tried to add. Namely, being able to run an… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Function Overloading in AL – waldo’s blog

I haven’t been blogging much, lately. But in my defence – I put quite some time in another community project, which I blogged about in my previous post (and will blog about in quite a few coming posts…). To keep up the pace of writing at least one post each month (which I have been able to do so for the past 11 years or so) – I HAD to put something up urgently… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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CRS Al Language Extension – waldo’s blog

I have been wanting to write this blog for a while. But I’m going to keep it a short one, as I’d like to go into a few topics separately, and I don’t want to swallow too much in one big blogpost with the possibility with some (important?) details would get lost. Thing is – I wrote an Extension. And I’m not talking about an Extension for Business Central in… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Al Code Analysis Rules (Diagnostic Descriptors) – waldo’s blog

Id Title Description MessageFormat Category Default Severety IsEnabled ByDefault AA0001 There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as := + – AND OR =. There must be exactly one space character on each side of a binary operator such as := + – AND OR =. The parameter comma operator however, should have no spaces. There must be exactly one space character… Continue Reading waldo’s Article...

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business central – Resources – waldo’s blog

Question. Have you heard about something called “Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central”? If not, you must have been sleeping. Because it has been all over.  And it’s going to be released today! Something new, also means new documentation. And I have been drowning in resources on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Allow me to try to sum up the different… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Enable the updated Code Analysis for AL – waldo’s blog

Some time ago, I wrote a blogpost on how to enable code analysis for AL development. At that point, it was an undocumented feature – not to say, it was an unfinished feature that you could already enable. Since the developer preview March update, it is officially here, and things have somewhat changed – no, not changed, improved! :-). So, quite necessary to do an… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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IntelliSense Fix – waldo’s blog

Since a recent update of VSCode, you might have noticed that IntelliSense works somewhat different. Well, that’s because VSCode thought to do a good, useful update for you .. but apparently for AL development, it turns out to be quite contra productive.. CTRL+Space You all probably know why CTRL+Space is for? It’s for forcing IntelliSense. Or the official term is… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – some more info – waldo’s blog

My last blogpost was merely an announcement of Microsoft’s announcement about Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. We are a 24 hours later now, so let’s share some more information about this new release of NAV-In-The-Cloud. I assembled this myself, from blogs, documents, slides, talks and mails – so there is a disclaimer for sure ? (below the mail). The… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central – waldo’s blog

Microsoft just released the new name for “Microsoft Dynamics 365 ‘Tenerife’”, where “Tenerife” was just a codename for the next version of “NAV-In-The-Cloud”. And as you might have figured from the title, that name is “Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central” You might know I’m totally not into “marketing fluff” or “branding” for that… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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Dynamics NAV and GDPR Compliance – waldo’s blog

Disclaimer: this blog is mostly a repeat of what was in Microsoft’s blog .. I just try to spread the word ? Sometimes I get the question: “Is Microsoft Dynamics NAV GDPR compliant”. I’m not a GDPR specialist, and don’t want to act like it. But … This week, Microsoft blogged about GDPR. And it’s clear you need to ask yourself another question: How can… Continue Reading waldo’s Article on their...

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