¿Quieres prevenir futuros problemas de rendimiento? ¿Los tienes ya y quieres saber por dónde empezar a actuar? Permíteme que te cuente mi experiencia y te ayude a tratar de solucionar
¿Quieres prevenir futuros problemas de rendimiento? ¿Los tienes ya y quieres saber por dónde empezar a actuar? Permíteme que te cuente mi experiencia y te ayude a tratar de solucionar
She will introduce the basic concepts of building a development lifecycle around Azure using .NET tools, DevOps toolchain, and processes. She will start by deploying a sample App in Github
As we get deeper into Kubernetes yaml files, we see a lot of duplication. Can we move to a higher level that eliminates this duplication? Let’s look at Helm, a
Is there a pattern to the way different workplace generations approach change? With each generation having their own unique experience of technology, can we harness these to reach them so
This romance involves the partnership of Docker, Kubernetes, and Jenkins. These technologies are a huge part of the DevOps movement, and are making the heart of many development teams flutter.