E’ sempre più diffusa la pratica di usare gli script per configurare l’infrastruttura di elaborazione invece di farlo manualmente. Vedremo in questa sessione come utilizzare Terraform ed inserire il tool
E’ sempre più diffusa la pratica di usare gli script per configurare l’infrastruttura di elaborazione invece di farlo manualmente. Vedremo in questa sessione come utilizzare Terraform ed inserire il tool
“Azure services have become an integral part of many environments. These architectures have different requirements for compliance, budget, security, access levels and more, In this session we will dive into
The systems administrator role is perhaps one of the oldest in computer technology. However in this modern cloud computing world some of them will evolve into Cloud Administrators. As for
“Windows Virtual Desktop is Microsoft’s offer for delivering desktops and applications from the cloud. In addition, FSLogix is a powerful solution for profile management and application masking included in the
“If your new to Azure, or identity in the cloud then Azure Active Directory can be a confusing concept. Just because it’s got Active Directory in the name, it doesn’t