Overcoming OpenAPI 2.0 `multi` CollectionFormat Challenges in Power Automate Custom Connectors

Overcoming OpenAPI 2.0 `multi` CollectionFormat Challenges in Power Automate Custom Connectors

Integrating APIs into Power Automate flows often requires creating custom connectors, a process that can encounter challenges with certain API specifications. Specifically, the OpenAPI 2.0 specification allows array and multi-value parameters to be passed in various formats, including the multi collection format. This format is particularly troublesome for Power Automate’s Custom Connector… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Installing PowerShell Modules in Firewalled and Air-Gapped Systems

Installing PowerShell Modules in Firewalled and Air-Gapped Systems

Managing IT environments with limited or no internet access, such as firewalled systems or air-gapped setups, presents unique challenges. One of the critical tasks in such environments is the installation and usage of PowerShell modules, which often require internet access for download and updates. This guide provides a method to facilitate the offline installation of PowerShell modules using… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Harnessing Host Form Data with PCF Controls in Model-Driven Applications

Harnessing Host Form Data with PCF Controls in Model-Driven Applications

Introduction This tutorial delves into integrating PowerApps Component Framework (PCF) controls with host form data within Microsoft Power Platform’s model-driven apps. This article will guide you through the necessary scripting to expose and consume formContext and globalContext from a custom table called new_Competitor. Aimed at enhancing both custom and Microsoft Form Component PCF… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Syncing Azure DevOps Work Item Status to Microsoft Dataverse with Dataflows

Syncing Azure DevOps Work Item Status to Microsoft Dataverse with Dataflows

In today’s fast-paced development environments, seamless integration between customer and development tracking systems can be crucial for maintaining transparency, efficiency, and alignment across teams. Our objective centers around a scenario faced by some organizations: synchronizing customer requirements captured by staff in Microsoft Dataverse with the development work tracked in Azure… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Govee and Power Platform: Transforming Smart Lighting Automation

Govee and Power Platform: Transforming Smart Lighting Automation

Introduction In the evolving world of smart home technology, the integration of lighting solutions with sophisticated automation platforms is gaining significant traction. Our focus in this discussion is the Govee Lights Power Automate Connector, a pioneering tool that brings together the advanced capabilities of Govee’s smart lighting with the robust automation features of Microsoft Power… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Step-by-Step to Success: Run AutoGPT using Azure OpenAI on Docker

Integrating AutoGPT with Azure OpenAI through Docker offers a direct path to unlocking advanced AI capabilities. This detailed guide not only walks through the initial setup and configuration steps but also emphasizes the critical adjustments required for effective Azure OpenAI integration. Let’s dive into a more focused and informative discussion on setting up AutoGPT and ensuring it works… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Government API Development Playbook: Designing for Power Platform and Building Custom Connectors

Government API Development Playbook: Designing for Power Platform and Building Custom Connectors

The article discusses integrating Government APIs with Microsoft Power Platform, emphasizing the creation and certification of custom connectors. It guides government API developers on adopting best practices and standards for API design to ensure compatibility and effectiveness within Power Platform. This includes leveraging tools like OpenAPI and Postman for development and navigating the… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Handling Graph API Pagination in Power Platform Dataflows

Introduction When managing extensive user datasets from Microsoft Graph API, a common challenge is handling the pagination of data. This blog post explores a solution for effectively looping through multiple pages of Graph API data within Power Platform dataflows and discusses alternative methods that might be more efficient in certain scenarios. Background The need for this project arose… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Enhancing Public Sector Travel with the GSA Per Diem Connector for Power Platform

Enhancing Public Sector Travel with the GSA Per Diem Connector for Power Platform

Navigating travel expenses in the public sector can be intricate, especially when it comes to adhering to per diem rates. To address this, I developed the GSA Per Diem Connector for Power Platform, aiming to simplify access to essential travel expense data. For those looking to delve deeper into per diem rates, the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) offers comprehensive information…. Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Building Better Tables – A patterned approach to using autonumber columns and alternate keys to drive efficiency in Dataflows

Building Better Tables – A patterned approach to using autonumber columns and alternate keys to drive efficiency in Dataflows

Introduction Navigating the complexities of dataflows in Microsoft’s Power Platform, especially when dealing with Dataverse, can present unique challenges. One significant hurdle is efficiently setting up and using lookup values. This article introduces a straightforward design pattern I’ve developed, emphasizing the use of autonumber fields and alternate keys in entity creation to… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson (RAW)’s...

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Power Automate Blueprint Accessing Azure Portal Backend APIs and the Intricacies of main.iam.ad.ext.azure.com

In the realms of digital infrastructure management, automation emerges as a pivotal ally, especially when confronting repetitive and time-sensitive tasks. A recent endeavor led me to a scenario where automating the management of OAuth tokens for users within our organization was paramount. Our meticulous record-keeping of these tokens and their respective assignments is handled through Power… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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PCF Component: Docx Templates in Canvas Apps

PCF Component: Docx Templates in Canvas Apps

PCF Component: Docx Templates in Canvas Apps Have you ever wanted to fill in a Docx template within a Canvas App? Look no further! I’m excited to introduce a new PCF component that allows you to do just that. This component leverages the easy-template-x open-source library, making it a breeze to create and structure templates. How to Get Started: Installation: Begin by downloading and… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Installing .NET Tools on Air Gapped Systems

Installing .NET Tools on Air Gapped Systems

In today’s digital age, the vast majority of our tasks rely heavily on internet connectivity. However, there are scenarios, more common than one might think, where systems are intentionally kept offline for security or other reasons. These air-gapped or isolated systems, like Azure VMs in a restricted VNET, pose unique challenges, especially when it comes to software installation. One such… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Capture User’s Last Successful Login with Portal Web API

Capture User’s Last Successful Login with Portal Web API

Hey Power Pages developers! Are you sitting there scratching your head wondering why the Authentication/LoginTrackingEanbled site setting isn’t working? Unfortunately it has been deprecated 😭😭😭😭. This saddened me a lot because I utilize the Last Successful Login date field on the Contact table for a lot of reporting and automation using Power Automate. In this article I will… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson (RAW)’s Article...

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How to Create SharePoint Items with Power Automate Desktop

How to Create SharePoint Items with Power Automate Desktop

Overview Power Automate Desktop is a great way to automate many of your daily task so you can focus on real work. A prime example of this is getting data from one place to another, especially when those data sources do not have an API such as a legacy desktop application or a file. In this example I demonstrate several ways in which an Excel sheet containing fictitious customer data could be… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Power Apps Portal – Configure Azure AD Provider in Azure B2C

Power Apps Portal – Configure Azure AD Provider in Azure B2C

It is recommended that you no longer use Local Login authentication for Power Apps Portal but instead utilize Azure Active Directory B2C to provide this type of authentication. See Migrate identity providers to Azure AD B2C Configuring the B2C providers is fairly straightforward utilizing the new preview interface Configure the Azure Active Directory B2C provider. Make sure you navigate to the… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Issue Connecting Through Remote Desktop Gateway

Issue Connecting Through Remote Desktop Gateway

While attempting to connect to a remote desktop though a Remote Desktop Gateway (RDG) the connection would ask for credentials but then just drop. After some searching I found the answer to the issue. First open open the regedit utility. Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftTerminal Server Client If there is a DWORD key called RDGClientTransport set it’s value to 1. If that key is… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Model App Access Checker for Dataverse

Model App Access Checker for Dataverse

Want to know which model applications your users have access to in Dataverse? Check out the app access checker that is available within the Power Platform admin center. Enter a users Id or email address and see the list of published apps in your environment and all the access, license and security information specific to that user. This can be a very useful tool in troubleshooting why a… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Power Automate Desktop Example – Downloading Image From Email To Network Drive

Power Automate Desktop Example – Downloading Image From Email To Network Drive

After watching the RPA (Robotic Process Automation) demo from Steve Winward Real-Life Use case using AI Builder Form Processing with Power Automate Desktop I have been looking for ways to utilize Power Automate Desktop Flows in order to make my life a little easier. Yesterday like every day I started clicking through the emails that I receive from my kids schools. I open each email, download… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Enable the Export to PDF Ribbon Button

Enable the Export to PDF Ribbon Button

Dataverse allows you to easily generate your Word Templates as PDF files. Last year they expanded the functionality beyone just the out of the box sales entities to all custom entities. In order to enable the functionality though you need to do some configuration. Below are the different methods in which you can turn the PDF generation on or off for entities. Note: Aftert updating these… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Enable the Export to PDF Button Ribbon Button

Enable the Export to PDF Button Ribbon Button

Dataverse allows you to easily generate your Word Templates as PDF files. Last year they expanded the functionality beyone just the out of the box sales entities to all custom entities. In order to enable the functionality though you need to do some configuration. Below are the different methods in which you can turn the PDF generation on or off for entities. Note: Aftert updating these… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Open Model Apps Url Using Unique Name

Open Model Apps Url Using Unique Name

When generating links for records, lists or reports in a Dataverse environment it is important that they open the specific application they relate to so users have the best experience. To see more details about generating links for Dataverse click here. This image shows the message bar displayed within Dataverse when you open a link not directed to a specific application. Previously in order to… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Return Error in Power Automate When Using Try/Catch Scopes

Return Error in Power Automate When Using Try/Catch Scopes

When utilizing scopes within Power Automate to create a try/catch/finally statement it can be useful to provide additional details about any errors that occurred within the try block. The example below shows how to get the results of a try block after it has failed and return that information. To replicate this do the following: Add a Control – Scope action called ‘Try’Add another Control -… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Custom Process Action vs Custom API in Dataverse

Custom Process Action vs Custom API in Dataverse

I recently had the opportunity to utilize the new Custom API functionality within Dataverse. I had previously used Custom Process Actions and was a little confused as to the difference and why i would want to use the Custom API functionality. After digging through the documentation I finally discovered the major difference is this… The use case I was working on only returned data to the… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Calling Dataverse Web API in PowerShell using Client Credentials

Calling Dataverse Web API in PowerShell using Client Credentials

Connecting to Dataverse using PowerShell can be very helpful for data migrations and use within Azure DevOps. Connecting to an instance in a non-interactive way can be tricky though. This article will provide you the links you need for creation and App registration and adding the app user to your environment. You can then utilize the script provided to call Web API requests including ones you… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Raspberry Pi Pinout Terminal Command

Raspberry Pi Pinout Terminal Command

When i first started workign with the Raspberry Pi i found myself constantly searching for images of the pinout and then printing it. Finally I found there is a simple command within bash for all that information when you have the Pi OS installed. ????????? pinout Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson (RAW)’s Article on their blog Raspberry Pi Pinout Terminal Command When i first started workign with the Raspberry Pi i found myself...

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.NET Core on Raspberry Pi – Access to the path is denied

.NET Core on Raspberry Pi – Access to the path is denied

After installing the .NET Core sdk on my Raspberry Pi I received the following error when attempting to create a new console application using the ‘dotnet new console’ command. pi@raspberrypi:~/IoT/FirstProject $ dotnet new consoleSystem.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path ‘/home/pi/.dotnet/5.0.203.toolpath.sentinel’ is denied. —> System.IO.IOException: Permission denied —… Continue Reading...

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Error Connecting to Raspberry Pi in VS Code After Reset

Error Connecting to Raspberry Pi in VS Code After Reset

While utilizing the Remote Development tools to connecto to a raspberry pi board using SSH I encountered the following error after doing a full OS reset on the pi board. The detailed error within the VS code console was the following. WARNING: POSSIBLE DNS SPOOFING DETECTED! @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ The ECDSA host key for raspberrypi.local has changed, and… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Team Member License Enforcement in GCC

Team Member License Enforcement in GCC

If you have custom applications built on Dynamics/Dataverse within the US Government Community Cloud (GCC) and only have Team user license that were purchased after October 2018 your apps screen may soon like like the one above. These Team licenses were designed for access to very specific first party apps. Customer Service Team MemberSales Team MemberProject Resource Hub For a long time the… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Power Automate Custom Connectors – Import Postman v2 Collection

Power Automate Custom Connectors – Import Postman v2 Collection

There are many tools you can utilize to develop Power Automate custom connectors including Postman and Swagger Inspector. I prefer to utilize Postman but recent updates to the product no longer make it possible to export to a v1 collection. This is unfortunate because the Power Automate custom connector site only allows upload of v1 collections. Luckily APIMATIC allows you to convert the… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Horizontally Scroll A Large Power Apps Gallery

Horizontally Scroll A Large Power Apps Gallery

So you have a lot of data to display but the screen in Power Apps isn’t large enough. My friend Ronald Sease recently showed me how to create a gallery in Power Apps that you can scroll horizontally. It’s a simple but powerful solution utilizing a horizontal container and a vertical gallery. Demo Instructions First add a Horizontal container to your screen. Set the LayoutOverflowX property… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Install/Configure Power Apps Mobile for U.S. Government and DoD User

Install/Configure Power Apps Mobile for U.S. Government and DoD User

For those working in the U.S. Government or DoD/Military space needing the Power Apps mobile application on your phone, an additional step of selecting a region must be taken before you attempt to sign-in. Microsoft has three separate regions listed below where U.S. Government information is stored, for additional information click here. < ul>US Government GCCUS Government CGG HighUS Government… Continue Reading Rick A....

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WebApi – Execute Bound Function (RetrievePrincipalAccess) in PCF

WebApi – Execute Bound Function (RetrievePrincipalAccess) in PCF

I am current building PCF component that required me to determine if the user has specific rights to an entity before attempting to modify it. In order to do this I needed to figure out how to do an execute request for a Function bound to an Entity. The hardest part in doing all is really figuring out the parameters and parameterTypes you need to send with the request. This Microsoft article on… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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PowerApps Portal – Users Can See More Than Their Assigned Web Roles Allow

PowerApps Portal – Users Can See More Than Their Assigned Web Roles Allow

Anyone who has configured the PowerApps/Adx Portal before can tell you how complicated the security mechanisms can be to configure. It’s both easy to give users to much permission or not enough. Today we learned an important lesson regarding two fields on the Web Role entity. During testing of a new app a users told us that they could see the portal edit button as well as every web page in… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Rotational Image PCF Component for Canvas Apps

Rotational Image PCF Component for Canvas Apps

This image component allows you to rotate an image to any degree unlike the Canvas image component which only allows 90, 180, or 270 degrees. Having full rotation of the image can allow you to build things such a compass or custom gauges/indicators for your application. Installation/Usage InstructionsDownload Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson (RAW)’s Article on their blog Rotational Image PCF Component for Canvas Apps This image...

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Launch A Canvas App In Model App From SiteMap

Launch A Canvas App In Model App From SiteMap

Canvas PowerApps provide a great amount of functionality with little or no code. Many examples demonstrate how to open a Canvas App within a Model App on a specific record and pass the context of that record. What if you don’t want to open a Canvas App for a specific record? Let’s say you want to create a menu functionality for user to allow them to open other Canvas apps, or maybe you… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Pass Custom Parameters To WebResource From UIC SiteMap in Dynamics

Pass Custom Parameters To WebResource From UIC SiteMap in Dynamics

While working on creating a page to open a Canvas app full screen inside of a Model app I wanted to create a WebResource I could use over and over again. Most of the references I found showed the Canvas app name in the code which wouldn’t allow for code re-use. Instead I wanted to pass query string parameters to the WebResource so that it could get the name from the URL. The problem I ran… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Move from using Xrm.Page to formContex in UCI form based PowerApps WebResources

Move from using Xrm.Page to formContex in UCI form based PowerApps WebResources

The usage of Xrm.Page is currently deprecated, still available due to it’s high usage, but still deprecated. When will it go away, we don’t really know yet. How then can we use it’s formContext replacement within a web resource. Well Microsoft recently added a the getContentWindow() function to the context which allows us to get the actual content of a web resource. By adding an onload… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Sparse Checkout with Git To Reduce Confusion

Sparse Checkout with Git To Reduce Confusion

If you would like to make updates to the Xrm types or any others in the DefinitelyTyped project on github you can find that cloning all the types can be a real pain. This is because a typical git clone will bring down everything and having over 6 thousand directories in this project can make thigns a bit slow. Startign with Git version 2.25.0 a new feature was introduces called… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson (RAW)’s...

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Multilingual Support For PCF Calendar Control

Multilingual Support For PCF Calendar Control

Multilingual support has been added to the Calendar component I recently shared. This works in both Canvas and Model apps. The following languages are now supported. English (default)GermanFrenchSpanishItalianDutchRussian Click Here to download the latest release of the component.Click Here to get the source code for this component. Check out these videos on how to get the control working in a… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Gotchas for PCF Code Components in Canvas Apps

Gotchas for PCF Code Components in Canvas Apps

PCF Code Components allow developers to create their own custom interfaces utilizing Typescript and/or React. To learn more about the PCF Component Framework check out this article. Building these controls has been great in Model app but only recently could we also start re-using them in our Canvas apps. If you want to learn more about how to add your PCF Code component to a Canvas App check… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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PowerApps Calendar Control

PowerApps Calendar Control

This calendar control was built off of React Big Calendar. The calendar can be used to display events with or without related resources. This control has been designed to work in both Canvas and Model apps. Because of the differences in those types of applications there are some differences in how you utilize them in each app. Canvas If you want to utilize resources in Canvas you will need to… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Bing Maps PCF Control

Bing Maps PCF Control

Bing Maps PCF Control Overview This PCF control allows you to display information for a view that contains latitude and longitude information within Bing Maps. The Info Box for each pushpin that is created on the map also gives you the ability to open the selected record. Additional Features Map will default to a bounding box defined by the location data being shown.Will work with dataset that… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Utilize Customized npm Package from GitHub Branch

Utilize Customized npm Package from GitHub Branch

Utilize Customized npm Package from GitHub Branch When working with npm libraries there are times you find bugs or want to add functionality to a library. You could just modify the files locally and run the application but this gets tricky when you go to deploy an application and it does an npm install which doesn’t include your changes. If the project is out there on GitHub there is a better… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Azure Maps PCF Control

Azure Maps PCF Control

Azure Maps PCF Control Overview This PCF control allows you to display information for a view that contains latitude and longitude information within Azure Maps. The Popup Box for each point that is created on the map also gives you the ability to open the selected record. Additional Features Utilizes a central configuration entity for authentication which means not having to update multiple… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Custom Grid/Subgrid Using Office-UI-Fabric DetailsList

Custom Grid/Subgrid Using Office-UI-Fabric DetailsList

Custom PCF Grid/Subgrid Using Office-UI-Fabric DetailsList Allows you to simulate the out of the box Grid and Subgrid controls using the Office-UI-Fabric DetailsList control. It was built to provide a springboard when you need a customizable grid experience. This component re-creates a mojority of the capabilities available out of the box in less than 300 lines of code and demonstrates the… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Use Dynamics WebAPI to get Record Count

Use Dynamics WebAPI to get Record Count When working in an environment where tools like XrmToolbox are not available or allowed getting a total record count can be a real pain sometimes. One way of doing it just using the browser involves using the Dynamics WebAPI. This came in handy last time we were doing a data load on our production system and wanted to see the status of how many records… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson...

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Use Dynamics WebAPI to get LogicalName or ObjectTypeCode for Entity

Use Dynamics WebAPI to get LogicalName or ObjectTypeCode for Entity If you need to get the LogicalName or ObjectTypeCode of an entity in your Dynamics environment you can utilize the WebAPI to get the metadata. If you have the LogicalName of the entity you can use this url.Format:<Dynamics… Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson (RAW)’s Article on their blog Use Dynamics WebAPI to get LogicalName or ObjectTypeCode for Entity...

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Convert Markdown Documents to PDF Using md-to-pdf

Convert Markdown Documents to PDF Using md-to-pdf

Convert Markdown Documents to PDF Using md-to-pdf Azure DevOps now has an option to link your Wiki to a repo. With this change I decided to start creating all my documentation in Markdown and then to supply my users with PDF output for things such as user guide. This allows me to source control my documents and still supply users with clean looking outputs. Here is how i went about doing this. <h2… Continue Reading Rick A....

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PCF Color Picker

PCF Color Picker

For anyone looking for a PCF Color Picker I just released one out on GitHub! It utilizes React and the Office UI Fabric controls.GitHub ProjectSolution File Note – Image above shows the color field twice so that you see that the field is being updated. Continue Reading Rick A. Wilson (RAW)’s Article on their blog PCF Color Picker For anyone looking for a PCF Color Picker I just released one out on GitHub! It utilizes React...

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