Part 11 – Insert Performance for "Simple" Entities

What can we learn about insert performance from complicated entities? Simlar to our last entry, what makes a data entity “simple”? Let’s re-run the same tests from Insert Performance For Complicated Entities but with a simple entity. I would define a simple entity as an entity that has 1 or 2 tables, can perform it’s tasks with a small amount of code, and is build to be light weight for a… Continue...

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Part 10 – Insert Performance for Complicated Entities

What can we learn about insert performance from complicated entities? What makes a data entity complicated? What makes a data entity slow? Let’s take a look at data entity performance when inserting records and see what we can learn. First, let’s define a “complicated” entity. I would classify a complicated entity has having lots of data sources ( 5 or more ), having lots of code related to it… Continue...

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Part 14 – Delete Performance

What can we learn about delete performance when using multiple types of entities? When working with OData, performing a delete is more than likely the operation that is performed the least, at least inside Finance and Operations. However, there may be a few tricks we can use to make the operation as fast as possible so we don’t waste resources. First, we simply want simply identify the thing… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Part 9.5 – What About PostLoad()?

What is PostLoad and how can we use it on Data Entities? PostLoad is a kernel method that is executed when any record is loaded in Finance and Operations plus other versions of the product like AX 2012 and AX 2009. This can be used on tables, views, data entities and even maps. However, we’re going to focus on data entities for this article. PostLoad() is used to add values on unmapped fields… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Part 7 – Fetching Data and Multithreading

Can you use more than 1 thread to get data via OData? What happens when you do? We’ll take a look at how to use more than 1 thread to get data from Finance and Operations via OData. First, you should keep 1 thread for each interaction, as a general statement. There are several scenarios in which you can use OData but when you have to start manipulating a large amount of records or data, some… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Part 9 – Pagination with Skip and Take vs Continuation

What are pages and how do we handle them? When working with more than 10,000 records in an OData result, F&O will automatically split that chunk of records into a page. When we have more than 1 page in our result set, we have to find a way to loop though those pages. We have records stored in (up to) 10k pages with as many pages as is required for a query. However, if you’re needing to… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Part 8 – Reading with Expand()

Is using Expand() on an entity faster or better? Let’s take a closer look at Expand(). We’ll talk about what it is, how to use it, some of its drawbacks as well as some performance numbers for various scenarios when using it. What Is Expand()? Expand() offers functionality for querying an additional, related data entity on an entity. When using OData Connected Services to create your OData… Continue Reading Nathan...

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What do Lando Calrissian and Finance and Operations Have In Common?

What do Lando Calrissian and Finance and Operations Have In Common?

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 12/15/20. Let’s look at Finance and Operations from the cloud city. I got a question about how one would describe Finance and Operations to someone that isn’t technical but has a basic understand of some IT terminology and I thought that would be a fun excursion to discuss let’s dig in. Cloud First Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations is a cloud… Continue Reading...

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Part 6 – Fetching Data with an Order By

What does using OrderBy() with OData do to performance? When querying OData endpoints for data, it may be required to arrange the result that you are getting from Finance and Operations. But what is the best way to do that and what are the performance implications? Let’s take a look. To review the code for this, please see This article… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Part 5 – Getting Data and Indexes

Do Indexes matter when getting data via OData? We’re going to review what kind of performance we get when trying to fetch data from an OData entity. What I wanted to find out with this article was to what degree indexing on a table mattered for OData. For a read workload, all data entities are presented in the database by a view that is not schema bound. So, indexing always matter but to what… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Part 4 – Getting data; Can you SELECT() something faster?

What does adding a Select() do? One ability that OData offers is the ability to reduce the result set for the request using a Select() command. This can reduce the number of columns in a result set from 100 to just 5. This can be used to provide only required data for a given request. However, does this really work as expected from a performance perspective? So far we have focused on SQL and… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Part 3 – Getting Data, Faster

Now that we can get data, let’s look at getting data faster. Out of the box Finance and Operations delivers thousands of entities many of which are enabled for OData consumption. These are good for standard integrations but can be slow depending on what it is you are trying to do. Also, most of these entities are non-specialized. That is to say they handle all CRUD operations. But, can… Continue Reading Nathan...

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VS2019, Finance & Operations plus D365FO.Tools

VS2019, Finance & Operations plus D365FO.Tools

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 11/03/20. Tags:  Visual Studio VS2019 Want to develop in VS2019 for F&O? Let’s take a look! We’re going to take a look at using the Dynamics 365 extension in VS2019 and just see what happens. This is an update to Adria Ariste’s article on this subject. We’ll be leaning on that article a… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their blog VS2019, Finance...

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D365FO.Tools and VS2017: Manhattan Project

D365FO.Tools and VS2017: Manhattan Project

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 11/02/20. Have you heard of D365FO.Tools? Let’s take another look. Let’s Rock We talked about this for VS2015 here. But now, things have changed. First, install D365FO.Tools.  Next, install Powershell Tools for Visual Studio. You can do this easily by going to Tools > Extensions and Updates in Visual studio. Select “Online” then search for powershell…. Continue Reading...

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Part 2 – Getting Data, The Basics

In Part 1 we talked through getting connected. Now, let’s try to read some data. We’ll discuss how to get a records and a record as well as how to query in C#. It’s similar to X++ but want to make sure we have a good foundation for when we move onto more advanced stuff. We’ll also examine how some OOTB entities are built and what that means for a standard integration scenario with no custom… Continue...

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Part 1 – Getting Connected with VS2017 and Connected Services

Now that we can use Visual Studio 2017 for F&O development, we have a newer and better way to generate OData clients. First, we’ll cover what it takes to get everything setup. I typically use VS2019 for C# development so we’ll be using that for most of this. Create a new C# project Name it and click create Grab the “AuthenticationUtility” From 

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The OData Experiment – Deep Dive into OData and How To Use It

This will be a collection of entries on Data Entities, OData and how to use entities for integration purposes. This is the hub page for all parts of this experiment. Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their blog The OData Experiment – Deep Dive into OData and How To Use It This will be a collection of entries on Data Entities, OData and how to use entities for integration purposes. This is the hub page for all...

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Tier 1 Microsoft managed VMs will be removed, Extended

Tier 1 Microsoft managed VMs will be removed, Extended

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 10/12/20. Microsoft will begin removing RDP from Tier 1 environments and the environments soon after that. Adrià Ariste has a great post on this topic that you should read before continuing but I wanted to cover a few other scenarios along with some resources. We’ll skip the preamble and just assume that Microsoft Managed T1 environments are basically gone… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Full Database Cleanup Routine, Part 3

Full Database Cleanup Routine, Part 3

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 07/21/20. In part 2, we talk how to collect some data and shrink our database. Here are the results. After part 2, here are the numbers, with charts, to show how different areas of the system were affected. As a refresher, here are the companies we will be looking at: AAA – All buy, make, sell, and retail sale operations in one legal entity with WMS… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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Full Database Cleanup Routine, Part 2

Full Database Cleanup Routine, Part 2

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 07/19/20. In part 1, we talk about the process of cleaning. Now we’re going to do it. In part 1 of this series, we talk about how to clean up your database. Now, we’re going to run that process and record the changes as they occur and evaluate what those changes mean. We’ll still be sticking with weight lifting puns here and there.  What We’ll Be Measuring… Continue Reading...

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Staging and Git

Staging and Git

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 06/29/20. Tags:  Git ALM A simple gotcha when woring with Git Evaldas Landauskas asked a question on some missing code when using Git so I thought I’d walk through a common “gotcha” when using Git, if you’ve not had this issue before. First, we’re going to start with this repo: 

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Refresher On Database Upgrade Scripts for D365 F&O

Refresher On Database Upgrade Scripts for D365 F&O

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 06/04/20. Tags:  Upgrade Database Sample database upgrade scripts with use cases. Database upgrade scripts from AX 2012 to D365 F&O have changed a little when you compare them to AX 2009 to AX 2012 upgrade scripts. We’re going to cover a few use cases and script samples for how to perform… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their blog Refresher On Database Upgrade...

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Moving from TFVC to Git in AZDO

Moving from TFVC to Git in AZDO

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 06/02/20. Tags:  TFVC TFS Git Moving from TFVC to GIT in Azure DevOps is easy! I have some TFVC code repo in Azure DevOps that I would like to move to use Git. We’re going to walk through the process of moving code from TFVC to Git on a single dev machine.  First,… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their blog Moving from TFVC to Git in AZDO Moving from TFVC to GIT in Azure...

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Full Database Cleanup Routine, Part 1

Full Database Cleanup Routine, Part 1

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 05/12/20. Over time your database size can grow quite large, depending on you use AX / Finance and Operations. Let’s talk about trimming down. Some of you may not know that I enjoy weight lifting in my spare time. I’m not especially good at it but its still a hobby I enjoy. I thought it would be fun to talk about our AX / F&O databases like they are a body… Continue Reading Nathan...

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Batch Job History Clean up

Batch Job History Clean up

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 04/27/20. Clean up after your batch jobs! There is now standard functionality in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain to clean up Batch Job History entries created from batch jobs. In AX 2012, you had to write something custom to handle this. There are two different jobs available to help clean up your Batch History table. To see your Batch Job history,… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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Notification Cleanup

Notification Cleanup

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 04/27/20. Clean up your Event Alerts / System Notifications. AX 2012 and Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain allows you to create alert rules for lots of different actions in the system. This could be for if a new customer is created, a sales order status advances to invoiced or some field is set to a specific value. These create records for end users… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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Work User Session Log Cleanup

Work User Session Log Cleanup

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 03/02/20. Clean up your warehouse user session log!   Just like Work Creation history purge and Containerization history purge, your warehouse user session log needs to be cleaned up every once and a while for the same reasons.  AX 2012 In Warehouse Management > Periodic > Cleanup, look for work user session log cleanup. This will ask you to number of… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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Mobile Device Activity Log Cleanup

Mobile Device Activity Log Cleanup

Submitted by Nathan Clouse on 03/02/20. Clean up the mobile device activity log!   The Mobile device activity log (WHSMobileDeviceActivityLog) table contains a log of activity for mobile devices like production order start operations, driver check ins and outs, and removing LPs. There is functionality to clean up entries in this table. AX 2012 In Warehouse Management > Periodic >… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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Create LCS Hosted Build VM

Create LCS Hosted Build VM

Create LCS Hosted Build VM 12/02/19 ALM Build Let’s walk through creating a standard Build VM Before we can get started, we must have the following complete: Create a generic servicing account for environment creation like Add the generic servicing account to Azure DevOps (AZDO) Generate a… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their blog Create LCS Hosted Build VM Let’s walk...

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Create Cloud Hosted Build VM

Create Cloud Hosted Build VM

Create Cloud Hosted Build VM 12/01/19 Need an extra build box? Look no further for how to set that up. If you need an extra build box, those are easy to setup as a cloud-hosted VM. To get started, you’ll need to have performed the following: Create a generic servicing account for environment creation like Add the generic servicing account to Azure DevOps… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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Warehouse Dimension Link Setup Overview

Learn more about this community mod that allows you to create a warehouse financial dimension, associate it with an inventory warehouse and have the financial dimension from the inventory warehouse default onto all transactions using that warehouse.   You can get the code, a model or deployable package here: Submitted by Nathan… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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Developer Managed Azure VMs To Save Money

Developer Managed Azure VMs To Save Money10/27/18 VM Can developers manage their VM uptime and save some money? Yes! Similar to OMS, each VM in Azure has an option to add a shutdown time. This is especially helpful for developer VMs. The schedule for this is set at each VM so if you have developers in different time zones, you can manage that… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their...

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Use Azure OMS to Reduce Azure Spend

Azure OMS has some great features to help reduce spend but you have to set it up. We’re going to go through how to schedule a specific VM to be available for service during specific hours. This is great for environments like a TEST or TRAIN instance that we only want to be on during waking hours. Let’s get started. OMS interacts with resource groups so if you want to schedule a specific VM… Continue Reading Nathan...

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7.3 On Prem Deployment With Deployable Package Failure

EDIT: This is a known issue that MSFT is actively working on addressing EDIT 2: This has been addressed by KB 4461011. If you are an on-prem customer that is attempting to upgrade to 7.3 from 7.2, you may run into an error. The full error is pasted below: 07/23/2018 21:43:05: Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.Metadata.Storage.MetadataReadMissingFileException: The static metadata file… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their...

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Powershell To Install ADFS for D365 FFO On Prem

Setting up ADFS for D365 On Prem? Easy!  Setting up ADFS for D365 on Prem is now a little easier (hopefully). Below is a script that can be used to configure ADFS for D365. It is assumed that the this is running from the ADFS box from inside the InfrastructureScript folder as a domain adminst in an elevated powershell.   Step 1 Simply run this as is # Run the following PowerShell script on… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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Tool Kit User for AX 2012 R3 for Retail

Tool Kit User for AX 2012 R3 for Retail07/11/17 2012 toolkit SQL AX 2012 Retail Setting up a Tool Kit User for AX 2012 R3 for Retail can be a bit trying, espcially since the techNet article for this topic is based on 2012 FP and is no longer current…. Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their...

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Fixed Assets Balance by Asset

Fixed Assets Balance by AssetSubmitted by Nathan Clouse on 10/25/16.Fixed Assets Balance by Asset to today. This can be modified to get a balance at a point in time by replacing getDate() with a particular date. AX Version:  AX 2012 R3 Module:  Fixed Assets CREATE VIEW… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their blog

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Job to Bulk Assign Organization Security

Assume you have one company already live on AX and things are well with them. Now you are bringing a second company online and adding them into the same environment as the first company. You will want to assign everyone from company 1 to only be allowed to see stuff for company 1; same with company 2. Below is a job that will bifurcate security by domain for each company. We have Users in… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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AX 2012 Database Log Cleanup Automation

The database log is a great tool to capture and troubleshoot odd or unexpected behaviors in AX. Depending on what and how much you log, there is a lot of helpful info that can be stored for review later. However, if you are collecting info, you either need someone to clean up data you no longer want or need or just let it sit and take up space which could slow down finding meaningful info on… Continue Reading Nathan...

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AX 2012 AIF and Batch Cleanup Automation

AX 2012 AIF and Batch Cleanup Automation08/27/15 Code Cleanup 2012 AIF and Batch Cleanup AutomationLogging for the AIF and Batch system is a great tool to identify what is going on and when things go wrong. Sometimes the errors could be a little more descriptive but all in all still useful. However,… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s Article on their...

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AX 2012 Enum Dictionary For Reporting

I have run into several instances where I would like an easy way in SQL to convert an enum into its label equivalent. Converting some stuff by hand just to get meaningful data can be tedious; LedgerTransType is a good example. So, I created this simple solution. The attached project allows you to dump out to a table, called AAX_EnumDictionary, all of your enums so you can join then in on a… Continue Reading Nathan Clouse’s...

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