How to enable reCaptcha for portal The portal users will get the reCAPTCHA V2 or V3 as you have configured in the reCAPTCHA settings from “Portal General Settings”. ►LET’S CONNECT:
How to enable reCaptcha for portal The portal users will get the reCAPTCHA V2 or V3 as you have configured in the reCAPTCHA settings from “Portal General Settings”. ►LET’S CONNECT:
How to sync entity updates in portal Once you successfully authenticate the CRM, you can enable the CRM entities from the Entity Configuration. You will get the list of the
How to create role for sub admin user By creating roles for your Sub-Admin/Admin users, you can assign them some special rights to access the data only they can see.
How to create manage sub admin user in portalxpand You can add and manage the Admin users from the Settings ? User Management ? Users. Watch out for this video
How to create workflow for updating existing rights based on actions preformed You can add the rules and set the conditions if you want to show the specific entity data