Microsoft Build 2024 Highlights

Microsoft Build 2024 Highlights

This week Microsoft Build 2024 was held. I made a blog post a few weeks ago with a top 10 list of interesting sessions from a Power Platform perspective. I’m still catching up with the sessions I outlined, but here is a post which describes some of the highlights from what I’ve seen so far. How will AI shape your future? This was the overall message on the event page. How will it shape… Continue Reading...

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The ALM story for Custom Connectors

The ALM story for Custom Connectors

This post is a part of a series of posts about custom connectors. In this post we will look at ALM for custom connectors. That story starts with the concept of Dataverse solutions. Here are my findings after working with custom connectors in solutions! There is a certification process you can go though in order to get a new connector to be available in the platform among the other… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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Exported Custom Connector, where’s my client secret setting?

Exported Custom Connector, where’s my client secret setting?

This post is part of a series of posts about custom connectors. In this post I’ll let you in on an issue I encountered recently. It has now been solved and might be good for you to know this was a bug and should be fixed soon (might already be ok in your region). In this post I will share my findings from that journey. In my previous post, I mentioned that nowadays it is required to… Continue Reading...

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Unique Redirect URL for OAuth 2.0 Custom Connectors

Unique Redirect URL for OAuth 2.0 Custom Connectors

This post is part of a series of posts about custom connectors. In this post I’ll remind you about the fact that you might have some old custom connectors that you need to take care of in case you created them using the common redirect URL, which earlier was the default option! February 17, 2024 was an important date, but if you did not pay attention to this then, it is not too late to do it… Continue Reading...

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Using OAuth 2.0 in Custom Connectors

Using OAuth 2.0 in Custom Connectors

This post is part of a series of posts about custom connectors. In this post we’ll look at custom connectors configured with OAuth 2.0 as authentication type. It’s assumed that you are already familiar with how to create a custom connector. If you are not, there are plenty of tutorials in the official documentation as well as from the community. You can also take a look at my old post (yes,… Continue Reading...

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Revisiting Custom Connectors

Revisiting Custom Connectors

Recently I encountered an issue with a custom connector configured with authentication type OAuth 2.0. It’s solved now and I realize that I have learned a lot since the last time I wrote about custom connectors. It’s time to take this subject, dust it off, and make a new series of posts, let’s revisit custom connectors! Why create a Custom Connector? Either you are just trying out… Continue Reading...

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Get ready for Microsoft Build (online) – BizApps Edition

Get ready for Microsoft Build (online) – BizApps Edition

May is approaching and do you know what that means!? Microsoft Build is around the corner! In case you have not registered yet, navigate to the event site, Microsoft Build, and get it done. It’s a hybrid event with possibilities to attend live in Seattle (to a cost) or online (free of charge). The session planner is available so you can already start browsing and planning what sessions to… Continue Reading...

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Microsoft Business Applications Launch Event April 2024

Microsoft Business Applications Launch Event April 2024

This week the Microsoft Business Applications Launch Event for 2024 Release Wave 1 was held. A launch event marks the start of the roll out of a new wave. New features are presented in demos and customer stories are showcased. I watched it late evening here in Sweden, after it was sent (happy to be able to do so). In case you missed it, you can watch it on-demand now as well. <span… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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Copilot(s) in Microsoft Learn part 2

Copilot(s) in Microsoft Learn part 2

In my previous post I wrote about what I was missing in the Microsoft official documentation when it comes to Copilot. With AI capability being introduced in each and every product & feature, I can imagine the planning, introduction and updates of Copilot chapters to be quite some work.  In this post we’ll look at what chapters there are and focus on where to point people looking for… Continue Reading...

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Copilot(s) in Microsoft Learn

Copilot(s) in Microsoft Learn

In my previous post I had Copilot(s) on my mind and shared my thoughts as I was looking into what’s what in the Microsoft Copilot ecosystem. In this post we will look at how the concept of Copilots looks in the official documentation, Microsoft Learn. Is the official documentation up to date? Lot’s of hits for Copilot! Let’s first check what happens if we search for Copilot. The… Continue Reading...

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Copilot(s) on my mind

Copilot(s) on my mind

A post dedicated to Copilots. When did we hear about it for the first time? Have you followed how the concept has evolved? What’s what? I recently had to delve into this myself and I thought I might as well write down my thoughts in a post. So here it is! One or several Copilots? The headline to this post probably already reviled it, in Microsoft context, we are not just talking… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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Microsoft Ignite 2023 – my reflections

Microsoft Ignite 2023 – my reflections

This week Microsoft gathered what I can imagine to be an enthusiastic audience to attend Microsoft Ignite in-person in Seattle. In this world of possibilities the event could also be seen online, live as well as on-demand. Not all, but lots of session. In this post I’ll let you in on my reflections after watching on-demand content from the event. Before we look at highlights from my… Continue Reading...

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F&O ? Power Platform – Your best buddies

F&O ? Power Platform – Your best buddies

This is part five in a series of posts, you can find the first one here. In the dual-write projects I have been involved in, I have had the possibility to exchange ideas with people both within the projects but outside of the projects as well. Community when at its best, people sharing and are willing to exchanged ideas even though not at the same company. In this post, I’ll highlight the… Continue Reading...

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F&O ? Power Platform – Database Refresh

F&O ? Power Platform – Database Refresh

This is part four in a series of posts, you can find the first one here. In the dual-write projects I have been involved in, either the customer has been live on the F&O side or it has been a new implementation. Even though new implementation, the F&O side has been further ahead than Dataverse and the introduction of the dual-write synchronization. Both cases have caused the following… Continue Reading...

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F&O ? Power Platform – The ALM Story

F&O ? Power Platform – The ALM Story

This is part three in a series of posts, you can find the first one here. In part two we looked at linking environments together. When you have linked F&O to a Dataverse environment with the purpose to start utilizing dual-write, it’s time to think about your specific integration scenario and what templates to start from. Most likely you will need to make modifications to mappings and create… Continue Reading...

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F&O ? Power Platform – Linking environments

F&O ? Power Platform – Linking environments

This is part two in a series of posts, you can find the first one here. You might have heard of One Dynamics One Platform. Until we are there, we live with F&O in LCS and in order to utilize the Power Platform integration and e.g. dual-write, we need to handle the linking parts ourselves. In this post I will share my findings related to linking environments into pairs, F&O and Dataverse. <span… Continue Reading...

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F&O ? Power Platform – Where’s my Dataverse DEV?

F&O ? Power Platform – Where’s my Dataverse DEV?

In a previous post, I gave an introduction to dual-write, one part of the Power Platform integration with F&O. Dual-write provides an OOB infrastructure for setting up integration between Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O) and Dataverse, Dynamics 365 CE apps. In this post, I will let you in on general findings related to this subject and environments in particular. Imagine you… Continue Reading...

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Dual-write – Environments and ALM

Dual-write – Environments and ALM

In a previous post, I gave an introduction to dual-write, the OOB infrastructure for setting up integration between Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations (F&O) and Dataverse / Dynamics 365 CE apps. In this post, I will continue demystifying dual-write and this time we will dig a bit deeper under the surface and I will let you in on general findings related to environments. Note! Managing… Continue Reading...

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MVP Global Summit 2023 – Visiting Microsoft’s Redmond campus

MVP Global Summit 2023 – Visiting Microsoft’s Redmond campus

A few weeks ago Microsoft MVPs (Most Valuable Professionals) and RDs (Regional Directors) gathered in Redmond, Kings County, Washington, 24 km east of Seattle, at the Microsoft Redmond campus for MVP Global Summit. The MVP Program, including the MVP Summit, comes with a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). You will not find any product related content in this post, instead it’s for anyone who is… Continue Reading...

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Power Platform Wave Reflections with ChatGPT

The release plans for 2023 Release Wave 1 were made available last week. I wrote about highlights from my perspective in my previous post. As I was writing, I came to think about product news from a broader perspective. How can you stay updated? Is it enough to read the release plans? Where else can you find out what’s new and coming? I asked the popular ChatGPT how to stay updated, read on… Continue Reading...

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2023 Release Wave 1 Highlights

Today the Release Plans for 2023 Release Wave 1 were made available. This post highlights some of the features presented and we are going to focus on Dataverse, Power Apps, Power Automate and the cross app capabilities (Finance and Operations Dataverse). Many features might not comes as news to you, they might have been announced at a Microsoft event last year or even been documented in an… Continue Reading...

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10 highlights of 2022 Release Wave 2

10 highlights of 2022 Release Wave 2

How time flies! 2022 Release Wave 2 plans are already here. The Release Plans describe new functionality planned to be rolled out from October 2022 to March 2023. In this post I have picked 10 features that I want to highlight from the Power Platform release plan. Remember that the plans are living documentation, features can be added or removed and dates might change. It’s time to prepare for… Continue Reading...

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The Microsoft Build 2022 adventure

The Microsoft Build 2022 adventure

Microsoft Build took place May 24–26. In this post we will look at the Build announcements from a Power Platform perspective. I will also tell you about a new little adventure of mine, give you my thoughts around Microsoft events and why I think it is for YOU and we will make a short trip back to Build 2021. The featured image does not really tell the truth, of course I did not just register… Continue Reading...

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What you might not know about FetchXML Builder

What you might not know about FetchXML Builder

Recently MVP Jonas Rapp was invited by MVP Victor Dantas to the Zero to Hero show. The FetchXML Builder creator held the session FetchXML Builder from Zero to Hero. I listened in and afterwards I felt inspired to write this post to share a few tips and tricks that I had not used before. I have been missing out and perhaps you have too?! Background How did I first meet with… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s Article on...

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2022 Release Wave 1 – First impressions

2022 Release Wave 1 – First impressions

Today Release Notes for 2022 Release Wave 1 were made available. In this post I will summarize my first impressions and focus will be on Power Apps and Power Automate, but there are also new features from other areas that I will highlight. Here are links to the Power Platform 2022 Release Wave 1 Plan and Dynamics 365 2022 Release Wave 1 Plan. Some features presented have been announced… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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Looking back at 2021 – News and Content gathering Edition

Looking back at 2021 – News and Content gathering Edition

In my previous post I revisited moments from 2021 out of a Power Platform perspective. In this post I will look back at the collaborations I have had during the year. For me, these collaborations are like energy sources. Even though it takes time, I find myself enjoying gathering content, collaborating with others around news and content in general as well as uplifting other people and their… Continue Reading...

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Looking back at 2021 – Power Fx, collaboration and day-to-day ALM

Looking back at 2021 – Power Fx, collaboration and day-to-day ALM

The year is coming to an end and it is time to take a moment, look back and reflect a bit around the year that has past. Features that are mentioned in this post are either General Available, in Public Preview or upcoming functionality. This is from my own perspective, reflecting over announcements that has been made as well as my own work. Introduction and expansion of Power Fx The… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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Looking back at 2021 – Power Platform Edition

Looking back at 2021 – Power Platform Edition

The year is coming to an end and it is time to take a moment and reflect on the year that has gone by. Features that are mentioned in this post are either General Available, in Public Preview or upcoming functionality. This is from my own perspective, looking back at some of the announcements that has been made as well as trends I have seen while working in Power Platform projects. <h2… Continue Reading...

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Key Takeaways from Microsoft Ignite November 2021

Key Takeaways from Microsoft Ignite November 2021

It is the week of Microsoft Ignite. More than 90 new services and updates are being introduced! In this article, I will summarize the news that I picked up from the past two days, focusing on the news that caught my attention the most. In the Microsoft Ignite Book of News you get a summary of the announcements. Have a look at your areas of interest and you will get an overview of what’s… Continue Reading...

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Skeletons in the closet – Power Platform Best Practices Edition

Skeletons in the closet – Power Platform Best Practices Edition

It’s the month of bats, pumpkins, ghosts and skeletons. MVP Alex Shlega launched a series of blog posts where he encouraged the community to reveal stories which might help others, with input what NOT to do in Power Platform deployments. You’ll find his first post here. Best Practices is something that I am a big advocate of. Consistency and maintainable solutions are hard to accomplish… Continue Reading...

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Power Platform Weekly had a chat with MVP Guido Preite

Power Platform Weekly had a chat with MVP Guido Preite

Without Guido Preite there would not be a Power Platform Weekly, at least not in the same format as it is today. Guido started Dynamics Weekly on December 4, 2017 and ran it to October 5, 2020, creating #149 valuable issues. When he said goodbye to it and announced he had created the final issue, each one of us who today run Power Platform Weekly (Daniel Laskewitz, Ed Gonzales, Magnus Gether… Continue Reading...

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How to avoid a Dataverse jungle

How to avoid a Dataverse jungle

Subtitle: About data quality and Duplicate Management in Power Platform. The greatness of your toolbox becomes insignificant if you do not take care of your data. It does not matter how great your tools for app creation, automation and presenting data are if you have poor data quality. The outcome of your work will probably not help the end users to better identify the best prospects and… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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My journey and people who have inspired me along the way

My journey and people who have inspired me along the way

From time to time people in the community give shout outs to each other. Sometimes it is a single tweet telling how a video or an article helped them, sometimes it is like a chain letter with people tagging each other. Those chain letters do not tell the stories behind why someone inspired you. I prefer stories and this is my story. For me, everything began with small seeds of inspiration,… Continue Reading...

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Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Highlights

Power Platform 2021 Release Wave 2 Highlights

Excitement is in the air, we’re moving towards something new. Like a newborn turtle moving towards the waves. This week the 2021 Release Wave 2 Release Plans were made available and we have new features as well as lots of improvements to look forward to! This blog post contains highlights from a few different perspectives. Somehow all of them are from my own perspective off course. After all,… Continue Reading...

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Microsoft Build 2021 – 10 highlights from a Power Platform perspective

Microsoft Build 2021 – 10 highlights from a Power Platform perspective

This week Microsoft Build was held and as usual there were lots of announcements. Some completely new features and glimpses of the future were introduced as well as some concepts that are being rebranded and “upgraded” to new levels. In this blog post I will share some highlights that I picked up. This is all from my own perspective, do read the MS Build BOOK OF NEWS. Throughout this post I… Continue Reading...

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Fusion Teams, multiple hats and future possibilities

Fusion Teams, multiple hats and future possibilities

What are Fusion Teams? What are the future possibilities for pro developers working with low-code platforms such as Power Platform? What are the future possibilities for a Power Platform consultant as concepts like CoE Starter Kit are introduced and organizations are starting to embrace the citizen developer approach and build more solutions themselves? Lately, people in the community have… Continue Reading...

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Let a book be your guide to the low-code aspects of Power Platform

Let a book be your guide to the low-code aspects of Power Platform

As mentioned in my previous blog post, for some time ago an opportunity came up to do a review of a new book written by MVP Julian Sharp. I took this opportunity, reviewed the book and scheduled for the exam. I passed it and all of a sudden I had inspiration for writing about Microsoft Certifications. Both in general, take a look at this blog post, and PL-200 in particular, which I wrote about… Continue Reading...

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Preparing for PL-200 Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant

Preparing for PL-200 Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant

In my previous blog post I shared some experience from taking Microsoft certifications. In that blog post I mentioned that for some time ago an opportunity came up to do a review of a new book written by MVP Julian Sharp. This is the book: Microsoft Power Platform Functional Consultant: PL-200 Exam Guide: Learn how to customize and configure Microsoft Power Platform and prepare for the PL-200… Continue Reading...

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Microsoft Power Platform Certifications Dos and Don’ts

Microsoft Power Platform Certifications Dos and Don’ts

For some time ago an opportunity came up to do a review of a new book written by MVP Julian Sharp. I took that opportunity and lots of good things came with it – one thing being inspiration for writing new blog posts. I will dedicate a whole future blog post to Julian’s book – stay tuned! Until then, I’ll tell you a bit about my experience from taking Microsoft certification exams. I have… Continue...

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Microsoft Ignite highlights

Microsoft Ignite highlights

This week the virtual event Microsoft Ignite was held. During Ignite we can expect announcements, demos and customer stories being told. I watched a few sessions and some of my colleagues wondered if I would write a summary about it so I thought I will do just that. In this blog post I will summarize the highlights for Power Platform and Dynamics 365. Satya Nadella opened up together… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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Coming together for Jonas Rapp!

Coming together for Jonas Rapp!

In the latest episode of XrmToolCast, me and my fellow MVPs Gustaf Westerlund and Benedikt Bergmann come together as Daryl’s guest, in order to do something for MVP Jonas Rapp, who is currently hospitalized. We talk about what has happened and we encourage the listeners to show their support (and appreciation) to Jonas by making a donation to his FetchXML Builder PayPal account. Jonas has… Continue Reading...

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Introducing Power Wiki!

Introducing Power Wiki!

Today Power Wiki was launched. What is Power Wiki? Power Wiki combines sources for Power Platform related content from Microsoft and from the Community. Search for a topic, get a quick overview and find out where you can go to get more inspiration and find the answers you need. Use the categories in order to find content relevant for you. Point your Power Platform newbie friends to the… Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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2021 Release Wave 1 – First impressions

2021 Release Wave 1 – First impressions

The Release Wave 1 Release Plans are out! You find them here: Microsoft Power Platform 2021 release wave 1 plan and Dynamics 365 2021 release wave 1 plan. Don’t forget that some new features are made available as early access and there is an early opt-in option. Then features will roll out from April to September. Also remember to keep an eye on the change log chapters in the Release Plans…. Continue Reading...

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Looking back at 2020 – The world got virtual and two types of t(T)eams were in the center of attention

Looking back at 2020 – The world got virtual and two types of t(T)eams were in the center of attention

The year is coming to an end and it is time to write a summary of what this year has been all about. Without a doubt this year will go down the history books, even though most of us would rather want to forget about it. At the end of this year I am grateful for what I have, starting with my health, my family and friends and their health. These things that matters the most, but most years we… Continue Reading...

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What is Dataverse for Teams, when to use it and when not to?

What is Dataverse for Teams, when to use it and when not to?

A few weeks has passed since Microsoft Ignite and me and Amanda last spoke about our two worlds colliding. To refresh your mind; Amanda is working with productivity, collaboration and Microsoft 365 and you can find her blog here. Our previous common article had the title “The best from both worlds – Office Apps & Services and BizApps combined”. Our different worlds are colliding for sure and… Continue Reading...

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Bye bye CDS and Project Oakdale, hello Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Dataverse for Teams

Bye bye CDS and Project Oakdale, hello Microsoft Dataverse and Microsoft Dataverse for Teams

Microsoft Dataverse, former Common Data Service (CDS), is the data source we have as back-end for our model-driven Power Apps and in some cases also for our Canvas Power Apps. Wait a minute, former CDS? Let’s take a step back and talk about CDS. CDS has been our cloud version of xRM, our database in the cloud, the home of our entities (tables nowadays – read on and you’ll get it) but also much… Continue Reading...

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Highlights from Microsoft Ignite 2020

Highlights from Microsoft Ignite 2020

Last week me and my community friend MVP Amanda Sterner gave some PRE Ignite 2020 tips. The week is now coming to an end and it is time for me to write a POST Ignite article in which I will summarize how I experienced this week. Since I am particularly interested in all things Power Platform, most of the Ignite sessions that caught my attention had some kind of Power Platform part in it…. Continue Reading carinamclaesson’s...

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The best from both worlds – Office Apps & Services and BizApps combined

The best from both worlds – Office Apps & Services and BizApps combined

One of the things I really like with community is how you come in contact with people who are equally passionate about technology, helping others and learning together as yourself. I have teamed up with Office Apps & Services MVP Amanda Sterner (her blog and Twitter) who specialized in Microsoft Teams, Microsoft 365 and collaboration and we have had a pre Ingite chat. Exciting times sure are… Continue Reading...

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2020 Release Wave 2 – Let’s look at CDM and data integration highlights

2020 Release Wave 2 – Let’s look at CDM and data integration highlights

In my previous article I shared some general information about Release Waves. How it all works, when they come, how can we prepare etc. I also highlighted some Power Apps features that come with 2020 Release Wave 2. The purpose of this article is to highlight a chapter of the Power Platform Release Plan that contains some Power Platform built-in features for data integration – the chapter with… Continue Reading...

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2020 Release Wave 2 – Learn to surf like a Pro and let’s look at Power Apps highlights!

2020 Release Wave 2 – Learn to surf like a Pro and let’s look at Power Apps highlights!

Today the Release Plans for 2020 Release Wave 2 were released, one for Power Platform and one for Dynamics 365 and the accelerators. It is time to prepare for a new wave, features will be rolled out starting from October 2020 and continue to be rolled out until March 2021. If you have not already learned how to surf like a Pro, I will let you know how to do that. What I mean with a Pro here… Continue Reading...

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