Power Virtual Agents is definitely a hot topic as I’m writing this blog post. It’s a pretty easy tool to use and definitely a lot of fun. My idea for
Power Virtual Agents is definitely a hot topic as I’m writing this blog post. It’s a pretty easy tool to use and definitely a lot of fun. My idea for
I was watching a couple of Project for the web demos from Ignite by Heather Heide and Russel Hercules. Those demos made me realize that the vlog I previously made
Categorizing projects between parent and subprojects is a pretty frequent requirement that I hear in presales. While Project’s Office UI doesn’t support hierarchy visualizations (at least yet), Model-driven apps on
Work Hours and Work templates, which are also known as Calendar Templates and Work Hours Templates, have have a logic of their own in both Project for the web and
The Model-driven app for Project for the web makes it possible to extend Project with out-of-the-box features like Roles and Skills. Learn about the different entities and features that ship