Creator Kit – May 2024 Update
Hello! It has been released a new update of Creator Kit. If you’re not familiar with Creator Kit, you can learn more by reading this article before continue reading. Bug Fixing Has been fixed some bugs: DetailList : ColHeaderPaddingLeft property does not work Dialog & Panel: All dialogs and side panels in the kit are broken New Controls Donats Chart Horizontal bar… Continue Reading Angelo’s Article on their blog...
Power Apps – Work with JSON
In this article, let’s see how we can work with JSON format in our Canvas App. What JSON is? JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) is a lightweight format for exchanging data. It is based on JavaScript syntax, but is language independent and is commonly used for the transmission of structured data. JSON’s foundation is two structures: A collection of name/value pairs An ordered… Continue Reading Angelo’s Article on...
Power Automate – Send email from SharePoint Rest Api
Hello, today I want to share with you a method to send emails with Power Automate by using a REST API available in SharePoint. There is a method called “sendMail” in SP.Utilities.Utility that can be used to send emails to users. Some attention points: Recipients must be authenticated SharePoint users. Attachments cannot be included through this API method (You can include inline… Continue Reading Angelo’s...
Power Apps – ChatGPT Integration
In this article, let’s see how we can integrate ChatGPT with our Canvas App to add AI functionality. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence-based chatbot developed by OpenAI, specialized in conversing with human users. The acronym GPT stands for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, which means “pre-trained generative transformer.” With ChatGPT we can, for example, generate content, answer… Continue Reading...
My First Article for CODE Magazine!
I am extremely happy and grateful for my first publication for Code Magazine, presented at the Power Platform Conference in Las Vegas 2023. As a Microsoft MVP, I have always dreamt of sharing my passion and knowledge with the tech community. My article, “Using Power Automate to Manage Process” focuses on streamlining business processes with Power Automate. This achievement was the result of… Continue Reading...
My interview with Christian Buckley
Here my interview with Christian Buckley, Microsoft Regional Director and MVP. Thanks! Visit his site: Continue Reading Angelo’s Article on their blog My interview with Christian Buckley – Angelo Gulisano Here my interview with Christian Buckley, Microsoft Regional Director and MVP. Blog Syndicated with Angelo’s...
Creator Kit – July Update
Hello, a new update of Creator Kit is availalbe. If you don’t know what Creator Kit is, you can read my article here. Bug Fixing Has benn fixed some bugs: Breadcumbs in Custom Pages, when updates, shrinks SearchBox 1.0.22 “undefined” text inside control Breadcrumb problems with dynamic ItemDisplayName DetailsList TotalRecords doesn’t count… Continue Reading Angelo’s Article on their blog Creator Kit...
Power Automate – Get Action Error Details
In this article, let’s see how you can catch error during flow executions and send information via email. My way to catch error is by incorporating error handling , and track in log table or SharePoint list on you can also send and email with error details. First of all, if you didn’t , you should read my old article “Power Automate – Try Catch”. Our Flow Basically, we have a Power… Continue Reading...
Dataverse for Teams – Formula Columns
Formula columns are a powerful feature of Microsoft Dataverse for Teams. With this data type, you can quickly add a calculated column to your table. This is made possible by the Power Fx, a language that enables you to write formulas and expressions that can be used in Dataverse for Teams. If you still using it, but you have problem with Data columns, go directly here. Supported data… Continue Reading Angelo’s Article on...
Power Apps – Preview an app
Power Apps have now a great feature that allows you to preview your app on different devices and layouts. This is an incredibly useful tool to allows us to test our apps on multiple platforms and make sure that the user experience is consistent across all of them. With this feature, developers can make sure that their apps look great no matter what device or layout they are viewed on. Press… Continue Reading Angelo’s...
Dataverse – Create Item with Lookup field in Power Automate
Dataverse is a secure platform used for managing and storing data used by business applications. If you’re using Dataverse (or Dataverse for Teams ) and your’re trying to creare (or update) row with lookup field, you may can find useful this article. Initial situation We have two tables: Customers CustomerContacts In our table “CustomerContacts” we have two field: Name and… Continue Reading Angelo’s...
Power Apps – Modern Controls
If you don’t like standard canvas app control, you can enable this new (experimental) feature to enable a new set of controls , called “Modern Controls”. NB: This is Experimental Feature, as an experimental feature, do not use it in production apps. Modern Controls has about 13 new controls wich you can use for your applications: Modern Controls Enabled Modern Controls Firs… Continue Reading Angelo’s...
Creator Kit – Library Control Errors
At the time of writing this article, when you add Library Component of Creator Kit, you may find some errors. If you don’t know what Creator Kit is, you can read my article here. Add control to your App Add one of Library control to your app. If you didn’t have installed Creator Kit in your environment, you can read this article to do it. < div class=”is-layout-flex wp-container-3 wp-block-columns...
Creator Kit – Panel Control
Today , we’re introducing one of the “Surface” controls group of Creator Kit: “Panel Control“. Let’s see What is it and how it works. If you don’t know what Creator Kit is, you can read my article here. Add control to your App Before use it, you should add it to your app. If you didn’t have installed Creator Kit in your environment, you can read this article to do it. Add Control...
Power Apps – Named Formulas
Today , I want to explain a really cool feature, in order to improve performance of your app and make it “code” more tidier. NB: This is Experimental Feature, as an experimental feature, do not use named formulas in production apps. We can use App.OnStart to inizializiate variables, load data and do some operations. These actions my be cause slow starting of your application. Sometimes… Continue Reading...
Power Platform – Import solution error 0x80040217
Today , I want to explain how to fix Error 0x80040217. If you created custom connector and put it inside solution with for example your flow or your App, may you find in this error, when you try import solution on new Environment: Some note to remember: You have created custom connector You have created app or flow who using your custom connector You have put together in same… Continue Reading Angelo’s Article on their...
Power Automate – Restore deleted flows
Today , I want to explain how you can recover deleted Power Automate flows. PS: If you need recover Power Apps, you can read my article here. Some note to remember: You can’t recover your flow if it was deleted more than 20 days ago You can recover your flow if it was not part of solution (but if did, you can try to open a ticket support) Default state of recovered flow is… Continue Reading Angelo’s Article on their...
Creator Kit – Nav Control
Today , we’re introducing one of the menu & nav controls group of Creator Kit: “Nav Control“. Let’s see What is it and how it works. If you don’t know what Creator Kit is, you can read my article here. Add control to your App Before use it, you should add it to your app. If you didn’t have installed Creator Kit in your environment, you can read this article to do it. Add Control to…...
Creator Kit – November Update
Let’s see what news are introduced with november update of creator kit. If you don’t know what Creator Kit is, you can read my article here. New Features Have been introduced 2 new (in preview) components, SubwayNav and SpinButton: SubwayNav Control SpinButton Control Let’s see a basic introduction to use these controls. SubwayNav You can use this control to show a… Continue Reading Angelo’s Article on...
Creator Kit – Introduction
Today, we’re going to speak about Creator Kit. With this fantastic tool, we have possibility to create Canvas App, with professional look & feel with “Microsoft 365” Style. What is “Cretor Kit” ? According to Microsoft , Creator Kit consist in a series of controls , utility and templates , created to increase developer productivity. All controls are base on Fluent UI Framework , Continue Reading...
Power Platform – Environment
Today, we’re going to speak about Environment. Where people starting to create App or Flow, usually, use Default Environment. But in order to have correct governance or our Power Platform solutions, a good idea (but is not only the one) is create more then one Environment. For Example Dev, Quality and Prod. What is an “Environment” ? According to Microsoft , and Environment is a a space… Continue Reading...
Power Apps Games – Tic Tac Toe
Hello, I’m very happy to annunce my first contribute to PNP community. I created and share source of my “Tic Tac Toe game” app , created with Power Apps. Tic Tac Toe game in Power Apps! You can get it from here: powerapps-samples/samples/TicTacToe at main · pnp/powerapps-samples This is a Tic Tac Toe game built with Power Apps. Is two player game (Player 0 and Player 1), basically the player who succeeds in placing...
Power Apps – PDF Function
Hello, really nice fuction under our lens today. “PDF Function”. What is this? Is an Experimental function to print Power Apps Screen as PDF. Let’s start! Enable functionality First of all, you must enable this feature: Enable experimental feature How can we use it? Basically , you should call “PDF” Function and pass it information about screen to “Print” as PDF. PDF… Continue Reading...
SharePoint – Team Site without Microsoft 365 Group
Hello, here really simple post to explain how to create a SharePoint site without Microsoft 365 group associated. Create Site Follow there instructions: Clicck on App Launcher and then on “Admin”. Then click on “Expand all” , SharePoint and “Active sites” Then we can create site: Click on Create and “Other options”: Now we can create our site: <img loading=”lazy”...