While using Field Service there might be the situation where you figure out that the Field Service Status does not fit to the booking status, or the Field Service Status
While using Field Service there might be the situation where you figure out that the Field Service Status does not fit to the booking status, or the Field Service Status
In version 1710 ( of Dynamics 365 Online we get this dialog to create a new app… As you can see it contains the Client options Web and Unified Interface.
In version 1710 ( of Dynamics 365 Online we get this dialog to create a new app… As you can see it contains the Client options Web and Unified Interface.
Field Service added some new forms to entities like opportunity, quote, order, etc. as well as a JavaScript library running on these forms. Now if you had copied a form
On a customer tenant we had the issue on some orgs that with SLA feature enabled on the entity work order the transferred solution created on the target system fields